1 Hear the sweet voice of Jesus say,
“Come unto me, I am the way!”
Hearken, the loving call obey;
Come, for He loves you so.
Only a step, only a step;
Come, for He bled for you and died;
He’s the same loving Saviour yet,
Jesus the Crucified.
2 Only thy will to say, “I’ll go;
Down at His feet my sins I’ll throw;
Leaving the world of sin and woe,
Jesus, I come to Thee.” [Refrain]
3 Casting your heavy burden down
Low at the cross, the world may frown;
Yet you shall wear a glorious crown,
When He makes up His own. [Refrain]
4 Open for you the pearly gate;
Lov’d ones for you now watch and wait.
Terrible thought! to cry too late,
“Jesus, I come to Thee.” [Refrain]
Source: Fair as the Morning. Hymns and Tunes for Praise in the Sunday-School #86