1 Heavenward doth our journey tend,
Here on earth we are but strangers,
Towards our promised Land we wend,
Thro' a wilderness of dangers;
Here we roam a pilgrim band,
Yonder is our native land.
2 Heavenward stretch, my soul, thy wings,
Thou canst claim a heavenly nature;
Cleave not to these earthly things,
Thou canst rest not in the creature.
Every soul that God inspires,
Back to Him, its Source, aspires.
3 Heavenward! doth His Spirit cry,
Oft as in His word I hear Him;
Pointing to the rest on high
Where I shall be ever near Him.
When His Word fills all my thought,
Oft to heaven my soul is caught.
4 Heavenward still I long to haste,
When Thy Supper, Lord, is given;
Heavenly strength on earth I taste,
Feeding on the Bread of Heaven;
Such is e'en on earth our fare,
Who Thy marriage feast will share.
5 Heavenward! To that blessed home
Death at last will surely lead me;
All my trials overcome,
Christ with life and joy will feed me;
Who Himself hath gone before
That we too might heavenward soar.
6 Heavenward! This shall be my cry
While a pilgrim here I wander,
Passing earth's allurements by
For the love of what is yonder;
Heavenward all my being tends,
Till in Heaven my journey ends.
Source: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal: with music #407
First Line: | Heavenward doth our journey tend |
German Title: | Himmelan geht unsre Bahn |
Author: | Benjamin Schmolck (1731) |
Translator: | Catherine Winkworth (1855) |
Meter: | |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |