1 O the mysterious depths of grace!
Who shall thy wandering mazes trace?
Surpassing human thought to know
Where this abyss of love shall flow.
2 ’Twas hid in God’s eternal breast,
For all his sons in Jesus blest,
Whose mystic members, from of old,
Were in the book of life enrolled.
3 [Shall one, as now in thy embrace,
Before tomorrow fall from grace;
Be doomed to Tophet’s endless flame,
Where hope or mercy never came?
4 No! glory to his name we say,
He’ll love tomorrow as today.
No wrath shall e’er his bosom move
Towards an object of his love.]
5 No heights of guilt, nor depths of sin,
Where his redeemed have ever been,
But sovereign grace was underneath,
And love eternal, strong as death.
6 Come, then, ye saints, in strains divine,
Rehearse the same in every line;
Nor fear to sing the charming lay;
You’ll sing the same another day.
7 No other song will be the employ
Of saints, in worlds of endless joy,
But loud hosannas round the throne,
To the great sacred Three-in-One.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #88