1 I believe the Bible, blessed book divine,
Holy inspiration from its pages shine;
Guide unto my footsteps, light upon my way,
Pointing to the homeland of eternal day.
I believe the Bible, blessed book divine,
Holy inspiration from its pages shine;
Word of God eternal,
Bread of life so free,
I believe the Bible, ‘tis the book for me.
2 I believe the Bible, blessed living word,
Telling us the story, sweetest ever heard
Of the love of Jesus, who His life-blood gave,
That the sinful world He might redeem and save. [Refrain]
3 I believe the Bible, it has stood the test
Of the passing ages—on it I will rest;
Heave’n and earth will vanish, they shall pass away,
But the blessed word of God abides for aye. [Refrain]
Source: Progressive Sunday School Songs #6