1 In peace and joy I now depart,
It is God's will;
So full of comfort is my heart,
So calm and still,
As my God hath promised me,
Death is a gentle slumber.
2 This Jesus Christ hath done for me,
God's only Son,
Whom Thou, Lord, caused mine eyes to see,
And makest known
That He is alone our life,
Our help in need and dying.
3 Him hast Thou unto all set forth,
In wondrous grace,
And to His kingdom called the earth,
To share His place,
By Thy precious, wholesome word,
In every place resounding.
4 He is the Hope and saving Light
That sinners need,
And those who know Thee not aright
Will teach and lead;
He is Israel's hope and joy,
His people's praise and glory.
Source: Hymn Book: for the use of Evangelical Lutheran schools and congregations #111