1 Jesus came from heav'n, and for our sins He died,
That we might be pardoned, cleansed and sanctified;
Rising from the grave He went to heav'n again,
Thence to come again and reign.
Jesus is coming again, we'll see Him face to face!
Coming from heaven again to reign in righteousness!
Let us be ready to meet Him, should He come today,
Walking in the holy way.
2 God so loved the world He gave His only Son,
That He might redeem us to Himself alone;
Unto those who love Him He shall come again,
Coming back to earth to reign. [Refrain]
3 Hope of ev'ry nation, only hope is He,
Ev'ry earthly clime shall His salvation see;
Let us, then, accept Him as our Saviour now,
Ev'ry knee to Him shall bow. [Refrain]
4 Oh, believe and serve Him, sinner, while you may,
Haste! the time is flying, swiftly comes the day
When you'll have to meet the Judge of earth and sky!
Yes, the awful day is nigh. [Refrain]
5 Will you not accept Him and by grace prepare,
That you may with others meet Him in the air?
Or will you despise Him, and when Him you see
To the rocks and mountains flee? [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #186