Just Judge of Heav'n, against my Foes Do thou assert my right

Representative Text

1 Just Judge of Heav'n, against my Foes
Do Thou assert my Right,
Oh set me free, my GOD, from those
Who in Deceit delight;
Since thou'rt my only Stay,
Why mourn I all the Day?
Why leav'st thou me in deep Distress,
While daring Foes my Soul oppress?

2 Let me with Light and Truth be bless'd,
O let them lead the Way,
'Till on thy holy Hill I rest,
And in thy Temple pray;
Fresh Altars then I'll raise
To GOD; and Songs of Praise
To him, who is my only Joy,
Shall all my grateful Hours employ.

3 Why then cast down my Soul, and why
So much oppress'd with Care?
On GOD, thy GOD, for Aid rely,
Who will thy State repair:
On him alone depend,
For he's thy surest Friend;
And then his Praise thou yet shalt sing,
Who is thy Health's eternal Spring.

Adapter: Francis Hopkinson

Francis Hopkinson; grad. College of Philadelphia with master’s degree; studied law and passed Pa. bar; opened conveyancer’s office in Philadelphia; musical and literary talent; prolific writer who frequently used pen name, A. B. LOC Name Authority Files Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Just Judge of Heav'n, against my Foes Do thou assert my right
Adapter: Francis Hopkinson
Source: Tate and Brady's New Version
Language: English
Publication Date: 1767
Copyright: Public Domain



Louis Bourgeois (PHH 3) composed or adapted this tune for Psalm 42 for the Genevan psalter. The 1564 harmonization by Claude Goudimel (PHH 6) originally placed the melody in the tenor. An alternate harmonization with descants by Johann Crüger (PHH 42) can be found opposite 41 in the Psalter Hymnal.…

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The Psalms of David #XLIII

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