1 Like a shepherd, ever true and loving,
Jesus leads us and we follow;
Better ev’ry day His love is proving,
Jesus leads, and we follow.
We will follow, we will follow Jesus,
For He knoweth all our daily needs;
Thro’ the pastures vernal, into fields eternal,
We will follow where He leads.
2 When we faint, His arm is thrown around us,
Jesus leads us and we follow;
For ‘twas He who in the desert found us,
Now He leads, and we follow. [Refrain]
3 He by cooling waters will attend us,
Jesus leads us and we follow;
Safely from all dangers will defend us,
For He leads, and we follow. [Refrain]
4 When the night of death shall overtake us,
Jesus leads us and we follow;
In the fold of heav’n He will awake us,
Jesus leads, and we follow. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Sovereign Grace #104