1 Lord Christ reveal thy holy Face,
And send the spirit of thy Grace
To fill our Hearts with fervent Zeal,
To learn thy Truth, and do thy Will.
2 Lord lead us in thy holy Ways,
And teach our Lips to tell thy Praise;
Increase our Faith, and raise the same
To taste the Sweetness of thy Name.
3 Till we with Angels join to sing
Eternal Praise to thee, our King;
Till we behold thy Face most bright
In Joy and everlasting Light.
4 To God the Father, and the Son,
And Holy Spirit, Three in One,
Be Honour, Praise and Glory giv'n
By all on Earth and all in Heav'n.
Source: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns: collected from various authors, designed for the worship of God, and for the edification of Christians (1st Ed.) #CLX
First Line: | Lord Christ, reveal Thy holy face |
German Title: | Herr Jesu Christ dich zu uns wned |
Author: | Wilhelm II, Duke of Saxe-Weinar |
Translator: | Johann Christian Jacobi |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |