Lord, We Come and Offer Praise

Representative Text

1. Lord, we come and offer praise—
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your name.
God of Israel’s chosen race—
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your name.
You’re the everlasting Lord—
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your name.
Greatness and pow’r in You are stored—
Lord we give You thanks, and praise Your glorious name.

2. Yours the glory, splendor, too—
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your name.
Heav’n and earth belong to You—
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your name.
Yours the kingdom, now we call—
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your name.
You’re the exalted head o’er all—
Lord we give You thanks, and praise Your glorious name.

3. Wealth and honor from you spring—
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your name.
You’re the ruler of all things—
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your name.
In Your hands are strength and pow’r—
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your name.
You exalt, give strength each hour—
Lord we give You thanks, and praise Your glorious name.

Author: Susan H. Peterson

Born: Oc­to­ber 17, 1950, Port An­ge­les, Wash­ing­ton. Died: Ju­ly 23, 2004, Per­al­ta, New Mex­i­co. Susan was the se­cond of two girls in the fam­i­ly. Her fa­ther worked for the Na­tion­al Park Ser­vice, so Su­san en­joyed grow­ing up in Na­tion­al Parks and His­tor­ic Sites across Amer­i­ca. She did her un­der­grad­u­ate work at Stan­ford Un­i­ver­si­ty and earned a BS in ma­the­ma­tics in 1972. The next year she took a one-year grad­u­ate pro­gram at Mult­no­mah School of the Bi­ble in Port­land, Or­e­gon, and re­ceived a Cer­tif­i­cate of Bi­ble up­on com­ple­tion. She de­cid­ed not to pur­sue a ca­reer in com­put­er sci­ence, as she had orig­in­al­ly inÂ… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Lord, we come and offer praise--
Title: Lord, We Come and Offer Praise
Author: Susan H. Peterson (1998)
Meter: D
Language: English
Copyright: Released into the public domain


EASTER HYMN (Lyra Davidica)

EASTER HYMN originally appeared in the John Walsh collection Lyra Davidica (1708) as a rather florid tune. Tempered to its present version by John Arnold in his Compleat Psalmodist (1749), EASTER HYMN is now one of the best and most joyous Easter tunes. Composed by Paul Sjolund (b. Minneapolis, MN,…

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The Cyber Hymnal #4091
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The Cyber Hymnal #4091

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