1. Mercy is welcome news indeed,
To those who guilty stand.
Wretches who feel what Help they need,
Will bless the helping hand.
Who rightly would their alms dispose,
Should give them to the Poor.
None but the wounded patient knows
The comforts of the cure.
2. We all have sinned against our GOD:
Exception none can boast;
But those who feels the heaviest load
Will prize forgiveness most.
No Reck'ning can we rightly keep;
For who the sums can know?
Some souls are fifty pieces deep;
And some five hundred owe.
3. 'Tis perfect poverty alone
That sets the soul at large;
While we can call one mite our own,
We have no full discharge.
So let out debts be what they may,
However great or small;
As soon as we have nought to pay,
Our Lord forgives us all.
Source: Hymns and Devotions for Daily Worship #199