1 O Blessed Light from heaven,
Shine forth into my soul!
Dispel the innate darkness
That would my heart control!
Without Thee I am groping
And should forever stray,
For Thou alone canst save me
And safely lead the way.
2 Without Thee, precious Savior,
There is eternal night,
I cannot live without Thee,
Make me a child of light;
Let nothing come between us,
But keep me ever Thine;
Upon my lifelong journey
Shine in this heart of mine!
3 And may Thy light within me
Again reflected be,
That I may shine for others
And lead some soul to Thee.
So many are benighted
In ignorance and sin,
Who daily are refusing
To let Thy sunshine in.
4 Lord, keep me ever faithful
To let my light so shine
That I may be a blessing,
And all the glory Thine!
And when my days are numbered,
Then sainted by Thy grace,
Forever in Thy glory
May I behold Thy face.
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #205