1 O boundless joy! There is salvation
For me, a sinner, vile and base.
Though all unworthy of compassion,
I oft have spurned the Savior's grace,
Yet love prevailed, and mercy mild
Sought out the lost and erring child.
2 Wrath should be mine and condemnation,
And hell with all its endless pain!
Yet here is heaven and salvation,
Christ's saving blood to make me clean.
O why such priceless gifts for me?
'Tis mercy, mercy vast and free!
3 O Lord, forever and forever,
My ransomed soul should voice Thy praise!
To Thy great mercy, blessed Savior,
My ever-grateful hymns I raise.
O wondrous Gospel, holy theme!
Christ came us sinners to redeem!
4 O Mercy! never shall Thy glory
Be dimmed by time and fade away.
My hope is rooted in Thy story,
With Thee I fear not when I pray,
With Thee I dread no earthly loss,
With Thee I bear each painful cross.
5 With Thee, when death's dark clouds shall lower,
I take my journey not alone;
With Thy sustaining hope and power,
I come before the judgment throne,
And there in endless praise of Thee
I'll sing through all eternity.
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #137