1 O haste to thy labour, there’s much to be done,
A harvest of souls for the Lord to be won.
The toil and the care that is yet to be wrought,
The battles and strifes that are yet to be fought.
The hearts that are asking the way to be led,
The souls that are growing and need to be fed;
Will take all the courage and skill you possess,
Ask Jesus to help you, He surely will bless.
To work, to work, to work for the Master!
There’s plenty to do;
To work, to work, to work for the Master!
The lab’rers are few.
2 O haste all ye souls who to Jesus belong,
The work will be hard and the enemy strong.
Help souls that are dying in anguish and grief,
Go forth with the word, haste to give them relief.
The Saviour looks down from His throne far above,
To urge ev’ry worker with accents of love;
The work must be taken to ev’ry domain,
Till men ev’rywhere His salvation may gain. [Refrain]
3 O haste to thy labour, go work while its day,
The bright happy sunshine is passing away;
The night with its darkness is coming so fast,
That soon all the harvest will ever be past.
Go swift as the win, telling men ev’rywhere,
The glories of heaven they gladly may share,
Go work with your might what your hands find to do,
And soon all that Christ has shall be given to you. [Refrain]
Source: Boundless Love: for Sunday Schools and Gospel Meetings #50