1 O mighty God of earth and heaven,
Whose praises are thro' endless ages sung,
The saints, to whom Thy grace is given,
Their voices raise the heav'nly choir among,
In music far surpassing human thought,
To praise salvation which Thy Son has wrought.
2 But we, who in this vale of sorrow
Our way as pilgrims far from home pursue,
Look forward to a bright tomorrow,
When we shall see both earth and heaven new,
There we shall meet our Savior face to face
And ever magnify His boundless grace.
3 This lends us joy in fullest measure,
While we as strangers here below must roam;
Our hearts are all aglow with pleasure
As we look forward to that blissful home;
But still our spirit ever longs and sighs
To dwell with Jesus under fairer skies.
4 What here is quite beyond our telling,
And we behold but darkly through a glass,
The fondest hopes within us dwelling
Will there in fullest beauty come to pass.
O Savior, come and take us all to Thee,
That we our precious hopes fulfilled may see.
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #151