DIR, DIR, JEHOVA was published anonymously in Georg Wittwe's Musikalisches Handbuch der Geistlichen Melodien (1690). The bar form (AAB) melody was expanded in Johann A. Freylinghausen's Geistreiches Gesangbuch (1704), where it was set to a hymn by Bärtholomaus Crasselius, "Dir, dir, Jehovah, vill ich singen" ("To thee, Jehovah, will I sing"); it maintains basically that shape in the Psalter Hymnal. Dale Grotenhuis (PHH 4) composed the harmonization. WINCHESTER NEW (593) is a long-meter adaptation of the same tune; that tune's familiarity may help in learning this more rhythmically varied one. Though the entire piece could be sung in harmony, try this alternative: sing the stanzas in unison and the refrain in harmony–then choral harmony should indicate the "end of strife"!
--Psalter Hymnal Handbook, 1987