1 On the banks where Jordan rolled,
Preaching penitence and fear,
Stood the prophet, long foretold,
Crying, Haste, the Lord is near!
2 Let the ministers of grace
So prepare, O Lord, Thy way,
That with joy we meet Thy face
On the awful judgment day.
3 In the night their cry is heard,
Lo! the Bridegroom soon shall come!
Let the bride at that glad word
Hasten to her heart’s true home.
4 Year by year that Advent cry
Rings upon the startled air;
Hasten, for the Lord is nigh;
Let your lamps be trimmed with care.
5 Let each eager, listening ear
Catch with joy that welcome sound:
Hasten, for the Lord is near;
Enter, where true joys are found.
6 Grant us, Lord, the perfect peace
Of a mind well stayed on Thee;
Rest, where earthly labors cease;
Light, where darkness cannot be!