The Lords Prayer

Our Father which in heaven art, And makst us all one brotherhood

Translator: Richard Cox
Published in 1 hymnal

Representative Text

Our Father which in heaven art,
And mak'st us all one brother hood,
To call upon thee with one heart,
Our heavenly Father and our god.
Grant we pray not with lips alone,
But with our hearts deepe sigh and grone.

Thy blessed Name be sanctified,
Thy holy Word might us inflame,
In holy life for to abide,
To magnifie thy holy Name.
From all errors defend and keep
The little flock of thy poore sheep.

Thy kingdome come even at this houre
And henceforth everlastingly:
Thine holy Ghost into us powre,
With all his gifts most plenteously,
From Sathans rape and filthy band,
Defend us with thy mighty hand.

Thy will be done with diligence,
Like as in heaven, in earth also:
In trouble grant us patience,
Thee to obey in wealth and wo.
Let not flesh, bloud or any ill
Prevaile against thy holy will.

Give us this day our daily bread,
And all other good gifts of thine:
Keep us from war and from bloud-shed,
Also from sickness, dearth and pine,
That we may live in quietnesse,
Without all greedy carefullnesse.

Forgive us our offences all,
Relieve our carefull conscience:
As we forgive both great and small,
Which unto us have done offence.
Prepare us Lord for to serve thee
in perfect love and unity.

O Lord into temptation,
Lead us not when the fiend doth rage:
To withstand his invasion,
Give power and strength to every age.
Arme and make strong thy feeble host
With faith and with the Holy Ghost.

O Lord from evill deliver us,
The daies and times are dangerous:
From everlasting death save us,
And in our last need comfort us.
A blessed end to us bequeath,
Into thy hands our soules recieve

For thou, O Lord, are King of kings,
And thou hast power over all:
Thy glory shineth in all things,
In the wide world universall.
Amen, let it be done, O Lord,
That we have praid with one accord.

Source: The Whole Booke of Psalmes: collected into English meeter #88

Translator: Richard Cox

Bishop of Ely Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Our Father which in heaven art, And makst us all one brotherhood
Title: The Lords Prayer
Translator: Richard Cox
Language: English



Martin Luther's versification of the Lord's Prayer was set to this tune in Valentin Schumann's hymnal, Geistliche Lieder (1539); the tune, whose composer remains unknown, had some earlier use. The tune name derives from Luther's German incipit: “Vater unser im Himmelreich….” Because VATER UNSE…

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The Whole Booke of Psalmes #88

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