Hasta Ese Día

Puedo cantar, ¡sí!, cuando yo recuerdo

Author: Stuart Hamblen; Translator: Adolfo Robleto
Published in 6 hymnals

Author: Stuart Hamblen

Carl Stuart Hamblen was born on October 20th, 1908, in Kellyville, Texas, the son of a traveling Methodist preacher, and founder of the Evangelical Methodist Church, Dr. J.H. Hamblen. Stuart’s career as a Country Western Gospel singer, composer, radio-movie personality, and master storyteller all began in 1926, on radio station on WBAP, Ft Worth, TX and sister station WFAA, Dallas, TX, where he became radio broadcasting’s first singing cowboy. The next major turning point in his career happened in 1929 where he won a talent show in Abilene, Texas and with the $100 cash prize in-hand, he headed for Camden, New Jersey, to the Victor Talking Machine Company to seek his fortune. Recording four songs for the forerunner of RCA Victor, Stuart… Go to person page >

Translator: Adolfo Robleto

Born: Jan­u­a­ry 4, 1917, Ma­na­gua, Ni­ca­ra­gua. Died: Ap­ril 1, 1994, Tex­as. Pseudonyms: Daniel R. Di­az Pablo Fi­lós Robleto at­tend­ed the Co­le­gio Bau­tis­ta in Ma­na­gua (grad­u­at­ed 1940), and the Bap­tist Sem­in­a­ry in New Or­leans, Lou­i­si­a­na, and pas­tored church­es in Ni­ca­ra­gua, Cos­ta Ri­ca and Tex­as. He al­so di­rect­ed the De­part­ment of Ad­min­is­tra­tion of Church­es and Pas­tor­al Lead­er­ship, ed­it­ed The Chris­tian Home for the Casa Bau­tis­ta de Pub­li­ca­ci­on­es, and trans­lat­ed about 200 hymns from Eng­lish to Span­ish. His works in­clude: 501 Ilus­tra­cion­es Nue­vas Doctrina Cris­ti­a­na Dram… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Puedo cantar, ¡sí!, cuando yo recuerdo
Title: Hasta Ese Día
Author: Stuart Hamblen
Translator: Adolfo Robleto
Language: Spanish
Refrain First Line: Mas siempre aquí yo seguiré cantando
Copyright: © Copyright 1958 Stuart Hamblen.



Instances (1 - 4 of 4)

¡Despertad y cantad! #a116

¡Despertad y cantad! #b116

¡Despertad y cantad! #116

Alabanzas Favoritas No. 2 #139

Include 2 pre-1979 instances
Suggestions or corrections? Contact us