1 Rejoice and be glad, all ye faithful,
Who trust and who wait on the Lord;
Rejoice, for His grace shall sustain you;
Abundant shall be your reward.
Tho’ trials may often assail you,
And though you afflicted may be.
Rejoice, He is mighty to save you;
His goodness and love you shall see.
Rejoice and be glad, all ye faithful,
Who trust and who wait on the Lord;
Rejoice, for His grace shall sustain you;
Abundant shall be your reward.
2 Then onward, press onward, nor ever
Grow weary, tho’ sorrows befall,
And dark be the way to His palace,
For Jesus is guiding through all;
He knows when our sad hearts are burdened,
And pities each one in His fold.
IN tender compassion and mercy,
His sweet words of comfort are told. [Refrain]
3 He owns us, and calls us His children;
To Him, to our blest Saviour King,
Be thanks and be glory for ever;
His goodness we joyfully sing.
And then, in the transport of rapture,
In heaven we’d worship the One.
Who calls every one to His kingdom,
And guides till life’s labors are done. [Refrain]
Source: Fair as the Morning. Hymns and Tunes for Praise in the Sunday-School #172