A Christmas Rejoicing

Representative Text

1 Ring out a joy­ful chorus,
In num­bers sweet, oh, earth!
Chant forth in loud ho­san­nas
Our roy­al Sav­ior’s birth.
Now ov­er mount and val­ley,
O’er for­est, hill and plain,
Awake the old, old sto­ry,
In lof­ti­est notes again.

2 Down through the van­ished ag­es,
Along the shores of time,
Like streams of sil­very beau­ty,
We hear its ech­oed chime.
Unnumbered si­lent voic­es
Have joined the glo­ri­ous hymn;
Glad eyes have caught its rap­ture,
Whose light in death is dim.

3 Today we stand with shep­herds,
Beneath Ju­dea’s skies;
We hear from Heav’n’s high por­tals
Triumphant strains arise;
We watch the star whose bright­ness
Doth guide them safe­ly—where,
With deepest awe and won­der,
They find Messiah there.

4 Within a low­ly manger
Straw cra­dles His dear head;
In po­ver­ty and suf­fering
His in­fant tears were sh­ed.
Oh, earth! is this thy wel­come
To Christ, the King of Heav’n?
Is this the roy­al greet­ing
To your Re­deem­er giv’n?

5 ’Tis said that since that mo­ment
A beauty hath been giv’n
To ba­by brows—a pure­ness
Touched with a trace of Heav’n.
That in sweet dreams the an­gels
Are o’er them night and day.
With whis­pers of rare glo­ry
That will not pass away.

6 That mo­ther­hood makes lov­ing
And ten­der mo­ther hearts;
To ev­en life’s rough plac­es
Deep gen­tle­ness im­parts.
Since, Mary, on thy bo­som
The in­fant Sav­ior slept,
And thou, with love and bless­ing,
Thy first sweet watch­es kept.

7 With lov­ing, pa­tient spir­it,
Earth’s paths the Sav­ior trod;
With willing hands and toiling—
A man and yet a God.
In eve­ry call­ing faith­ful,
With miss­ion high and grand,
He passed away in tri­umph,
To reign at God’s right hand.

8 Dear Sav­ior, ev­er ble­ssèd!
Upon this day of days
We come with loud ho­san­nas,
To swell the roy­al praise.
We look from earth­ly plac­es,
Where Thy pure feet have trod,
Up to Thy throne of pow­er,
Ascended Lord and God.

9 High wave Thy roy­al ban­ner
Across the wide, wide, world,
Today its folds of bright­ness
By loy­al hands un­furled.
It shel­ters well the house­hold;
It lights the far off shore,
And sounds the sil­very key-note,
That sum­mons to adore.

10 Float high, Ju­dea’s ban­ner!
O’er hosts of earth and Heav’n;
Display in clouds of beau­ty
The fade­less re­cord giv’n.
Wear well thy ho­li­est lus­ter,
That all the world may see,
Redeemer! Me­di­at­or!
The names that make us free.

Source: The Cyber Hymnal #16060

Author: F. B. M. Brotherson

(no biographical information available about F. B. M. Brotherson.) Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Ring out a joy­ful chorus
Title: A Christmas Rejoicing
Author: F. B. M. Brotherson
Meter: D
Source: Poems of Mrs. Frances B. M. Brotherson by Lucie Brotherson Tyng and Martha Brotherson Reynolds (Peorio, 1880)
Language: English
Copyright: Public Domain


ST. HILDA (Knecht)

The original form of ST. EDITH (also known as ST. HILDA) was composed in 1793 by Justin Heinrich Knecht for the text “Der neidern Menschhiet Hülle.” It was published in Vollstandige Sammlung … Choralmelodien (1799), edited by Johann Friedrich Christmann and Knecht, who composed ninety-seven o…

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The Cyber Hymnal #16060
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The Cyber Hymnal #16060

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