1 Since I have known the way of peace,
My soul sings hallelujah;
Since from my chains I’ve found release,
My soul sings hallelujah.
My soul sings hallelujah,
Oh, glory, hallelujah!
My soul sings hallelujah,
And glory to his name!
2 Since all my sins are ‘neath the blood,
My soul sings hallelujah;
Since light divine my soul doth flood,
My soul sings hallelujah. [Refrain]
3 While with my Lord his yoke I bear,
My soul sings hallelujah;
The triumphs of his love I share,
My soul sings hallelujah. [Refrain]
4 Since by his spirit I am led,
My soul sings hallelujah;
Since on his word each day I’m fed,
My soul sings hallelujah. [Refrain]
Source: United Praise: for use in Sunday Schools, Young People's Societies and other Church Services #91