Unto God's House in olden day
Two men together went to pray;
This for his right deeds sought reward,
That for mere mercy low implored.
When in Thine House to Thee I cry,
Lord, whether of the twain am I?
Ofttimes I kneel, a Pharisee
In sinful self-complacency,
Though nought I have, and all I owe:
Thy pardon, gracious Lord, bestow,
And grant that humbler mind which stayed
Far off in temple courts, and prayed.
I dare not lift mine eyes on high
To search the glories of the sky;
But, seated on Thy throne of light,
Thou, Lord, canst pierce this earthly night;
Thine eyes can count each contrite tear,
No sigh but finds Thy listening ear.
My breast I smite in sorrow sore,
And lo! I knock at Mercy's door:
Be each unlocked—my breast to Thee,
Thy Kingdom's boundless realm to me:
So make my heart, from sin washed pure,
Thy Kingdom, Lord, for evermore.