1 The Saviour leads His faithful on
To battle for the right;
Their mottos is “Thy will be done,”
The hosts of sin they’ll smite.
No fears alarm, no terrors stop,
They go with steady tread;
And none shall by the wayside drop,
For Christ is at the head.
Christ is the conqueror,
Christ is the conqueror,
O glorious conqueror,
Who leads to victory.
2 Before them is the precious cross;
They glory in its fame;
It lifts their thoughts from earthly dross,
To think of Jesus’ name.
From conquest unto victory,
Press forth the mighty throng;
The hosts of Satan all must flee,
Before the victor’s song. [Refrain]
3 Their tongues the name of Jesus sounds;
The name they love so well.
Within their hearts His love abounds;
Forever there to dwell.
O who will join this bright array,
This army of the Lord?
O who will now the call obey,
Be governed by his word? [Refrain]
Source: Boundless Love: for Sunday Schools and Gospel Meetings #54