1 The study of God’s word reveals
The way to our eternal King;
Whose hand created heav’n and earth,
And of Whose pow’r we tell and sing;
Each precious promise fills the heart
With inspirations from above,
Awakening hopes and holy thoughts
Of that bright land where all is love.
2 The study of God’s word invites
The weary, wand’ring, doubting one
To follow God in that new life,
Procured for us through His dear Son;
It tells of grace and “Love divine,”
Of endless blessings rich and free,
Of living streams and pastures green,
Where Jesus reigns eternally.
3 The study of God’s word imparts
A comfort and a restful peace;
A shining light that leads the way
To joys that nevermore shall cease;
A lasting strength that never fails,
When we approach the coming foe;
A Rock, on which our feet can stand,
In every conflict here below.
4 The study of god’s word foretells
The glory of that golden shore,
Where “Heav’nly hosts” in triumph sing
And praise their King forevermore.
It warns us of the wrath to come
For those who never seek their Lord,
It bids us trust in God alone,
“And take Him at His promised word.”
Source: Uplifted Voices: a 20th century hymn book for sunday-schools and devotional meetings #31