1 There's a train that runs from the earth to the sky,
And ev'ry one may ride if they will,
It starts from that fountain that never runs dry,
And it stops on the heavenly hill.
O sinner get on board of the gospel train,
For it runs straight ahead, never back;
It starts on the schedule 'midst the wind or the rain,
And it never runs off of the track.
2 There is naught to pay for a ride on this train,
For Christ has paid the fare for us all,
The poor and the needy, the blind and the lame,
Can all go, if on Christ they will call. [Chorus]
3 This train makes no noise as it runs thro' the land,
For it travels on the roadbed of love,
Its crew is composed of a heavenly band,
And its motor pow'r is faith from above. [Chorus]
4 This train has never been wreck'd on the road,
But landed all her souls in the sky,
It can take all the world at a single load,
Get on board, bid earth's trials goodby. [Chorus]
Source: Light in the Valley: a new work of great merit for the Sunday school, revivals, Christian Endeavor, Epworth League, young people's society, and all forward movement along the line of battle... #160