1 This is the day the Lord has made;
Rejoice, my friends, to see
His royal table richly spread
For such vile worms as we.
2 Ye beggars, from your dunghills rise,
Cast off your rags of shame;
Open, ye blind, your long-closed eyes,
And leap for you, ye lame.
3 Come, and with regal robes be clad,
All at the cost of Christ;
Come, every one a king be made,
And everyone a priest.
4 Welcome, poor sinner, welcome here;
Leave all thy cares behind;
Dismiss thy doubt, cast off thy fear,
Give reasonings to the wind.
5 Believe thy God, believe his word,
His Spirit, and his Son;
Only believe thy dying Lord,
And all the work is done.
6 Come, eat his flesh and drink his blood,
Make all his merits thine,
Sure as thy body lives on food,
And feels the strength of wine.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #819