1 Thy Sire, and her who brought thee forth,
With all thy mind and might,
Fear, love and serve; so shall thy days
Be numerous, calm, and bright.
2 The blood of man thou shalt not shed,
Its voice will pierce the sky,
And thou by the just laws of heaven
For the dire crime shall die.
3 To thine own couch thou shalt not take
A wife but her thine own:
Vast is the guilt, and on thine head
Heaven darts its vengeance down.
4 Thou shalt not, or from friend or foe,
Take aught by force or stealth;
Thy goods, thy stores must grow from right
Or God will curse thy wealth.
5 No man shalt thou by a false charge,
Or crush or brand with shame:
Dear as thine own, so wills thy God,
Must be his life and name.
6 Thy soul one wish shall not let loose
For that which is not thine;
Live in thy lot, or small or great,
For God has drawn the line.
7 [O may that God, who gave these laws,
Write them on every heart,
That all may feel their living power,
Nor from his paths depart!]
Source: A Selection of Hymns: from the best authors, intended to be an appendix to Dr. Watt's psalms and hymns. (1st Am. ed.) #XLVIII