Too Sacred for Mortal Eyes to See

Representative Text

1 To the garden Jesus went, His disciples too,
He withdrew from them a stone's throw And knelt down to pray;
As His time was almost spent, Lo there came to view,
Angel bright from God to strengthen Him along the way.

'Twas too sacred there, For eyes to see,
When He prayed "Take this cup from me;"
His disciples all, Too sleepy be
For that scene For their eyes to see.

2 His disciples fell asleep When the Lord withdrew,
They could not behold the beauty Of that sacred place;
Tho they had a watch to keep, That they did not do,
We believe that eyes of mortals Should not see His face. [Refrain]

3 Take the Savior with you, friend, Go aside and pray,
He will give you grace to carry Ev'ry burden here;
he will keep you to the end Of this pilgrim way,
you may look upon His glory With a vision clear. [Refrain]

Source: Melodies of Love #120

Author: J. R. Baxter

Jesse Randall (Pap) Baxter, Jr. (1887-1960) Born: December 8, 1887, Lebanon, Alabama. Died: January 21, 1960. Baxter grew up in De­Kalb Coun­ty, Al­a­ba­ma. In 1926, he bought part of Vir­gil Stamps’ Gos­pel mu­sic firm, which be­came the Stamps-Bax­ter Mu­sic and Print­ing Com­pa­ny, one of the most suc­cess­ful Gos­pel mu­sic pub­lish­ers of the ear­ly 20th Century. Bax­ter ran the com­pa­ny’s Chat­ta­noo­ga, Ten­nes­see, of­fice un­til Stamps’ death in 1940, then moved to Dall­as, Tex­as, to run the main of­fice. Af­ter Bax­ter’s death, his wife, Clarice, ran the bus­i­ness un­til she died; it was then sold to Zon­der­van. Bax­ter was in­duct­ed in­to the South­ern Gos­pel Mus… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: To the garden Jesus went, His disciples too
Title: Too Sacred for Mortal Eyes to See
Author: J. R. Baxter (1940)
Language: English
Refrain First Line: 'Twas too sacred there
Copyright: © 1940 by Stamps-Baxter Music and Printing Co. in "Golden Key"



Instances (1 - 4 of 4)

Celestial Songs #56


Melodies of Love #120

Old Camp Meeting Songs #d151

Special Radio Selections #46

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