1 When I had weary grown of sin,
For rest to Christ I came;
His mercy took the wand’rer in:
All glory to his name!
O, ‘tis wonderful, more than wonderful,
How the Savior on high came to suffer and die;
Yes, ‘tis wonderful, strange and wonderful!
All glory to his name!
2 ‘Mid anxious fears and raging strife,
Tost on time’s surging sea,
For peace I cried: the Lord of life
Gave his own peace to me. [Refrain]
3 Tho’ dead in trespasses and sin,
When I the truth believed,
He spake: and I was clean within,
And endless life received. [Refrain]
4 How precious are the gifts my Lord
In love bestows on me!
Abiding rest, life thro’ his word
Sweet peace and purity. [Refrain]
Source: Glad Tidings in Song #195