Display Title: When Morning Gilds the Skies (Quand le soleil se lève) First Line: When morning gilds the skies (Quand le soleil se lève) Tune Title: LAUDES DOMINI Author: Edward Caswall; Jacques Beaudon; R. Gerald Hobbs; Robert Seymour Bridges Meter: 6 6 6 6 6 6 Date: 1996 Subject: Adoration and praise | ; Comfort/Consolation | ; Confidence | ; Devotion | ; Discipleship and Service | ; Epiphany Last/Transfig. | Year C; Jesus Christ | Adoration and Praise; Jesus Christ | Praise; Jesus Christ | Praise and Thanksgiving; Morning | ; Morning Prayer | ; Nation | ; Processionals (Opening of Worship) | ; Proper 14 | Year A; Proper 5 | Year C; Reign of Christ | Year C; Responses | Antiphonal; Unity | ; Word of God | ; Worship | Source: German hymn, 1828
Voices United #339