1 When the shadows round me gather,
Shutting out the light of day,
When the clouds hang low and lower,
Hiding every cheering ray.
Then I fly to my Redeemer,
Lift my heart to Him for light,
When He scatters all the darkness,
And again my way grows light.
Precious Saviour, Precious Saviour,
Loving Saviour, tender Friend!
He shall comfort , soothe, uphold me,
Till this toilsome life shall end.
2 When the burdens seem too heavy,
And my soul is sore oppressed,
When my hands and feet grow weary,
And there seems no place of rest,
Then I fly to my Redeemer,
Cast on Him my every care,
When he tells me, sweetly tells me:
“I will all your burdens share.” [Chorus]
3 When the friends I love so dearly,
Fall beside me, one by one,
When my heart grows faint within me,
As I journey all alone,
Then I fly to my Redeemer,
Loving Jesus ever nigh,
When I hear those words of promise:
“You shall meet them by and by.” [Chorus]
Source: Gems and Jewels #108