1 When war’s shrill blast abroad is heard,
With thrones like saplings shaking;
When peace, like an affrighted bird,
Her flight from earth is taking—
Know that a throne is set in Heav’n,
One sits upon the throne who sees.
2 When there is wild confusion round,
Strange discord and perpetual din;
When vexèd with the sight and sound
Of suffering goodness, lordly sin—
Know that a throne is set in Heav’n,
One sits upon the throne who hears.
3 When some distressing, piercing strain,
Or maniac shout shall reach thine ear,
And thou discernest there is pain
In countless hearts thou canst not cheer—
Know that a throne is set in Heav’n,
One sits upon the throne who knows.
4 When weary of the ceaseless fight
With Satan and his angry host,
Or when the world, in fancied might,
A moment o’er the Church may boast—
Know that a throne is set in Heav’n,
One sits upon the throne in light.
5 A skillful hand, divinely strong,
Guides courses strange of changeful years,
And it shall make to cease, ere long,
All cause of misery and tears.
Know that a throne is set in Heav’n,
God sits upon the throne in love.