1 Where He may send me, there will I go,
What He may bid me, that will I do;
He has redeemed thro’ His own blood,
I am His servant, He is my Lord.
No other Master ever to own,
No other will but His will be done;
He has redeem’d me thro’ His own blood,
I am His servant, He is my Lord.
2 Join’d to the Lord, one spirit are we,
I live in Him, and He lives in me;
Heavenly light is flooding my soul,
Heavenly love my heart doth control. [Chorus]
3 All I may need His grace will provide,
Nothing of ill my soul can betide;
Tho’ I am tested, tempted each hour,
I am upheld by Almighty pow’r. [Chorus]
Source: Kingdom Songs: for use in the Sunday School, the young people's meeting, the devotional service #100