1 With fervent hearts let all unite,
To supplicate the lord of might;
His aid implore, his pow'r declare,
And humbly beg his watchful care.
2 Forgive, us, Lord, for thy dear Son,
The ills that we this day have done;
That with the world, ourselves, and thee,
We, e'er we sleep, at peace may be.
3 Teach us to live, that we may dread,
The grave as little as our bed;
Teach us to die, that so we may
Triumphant rise at the last day.
4 Guard us, O Lord, through night's repose,
And let sweet sleep our eye-lids close;
Keep us, O keep us King of kings,
Under thy own Almighty wings.
5 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow,
Praise him all creatures here below;
Praise him above the angelic host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Source: A Selection of Psalms with occasional hymns (Charleston hymnal) #H.XLVII