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Showing 101 - 122 of 122
TitleTopicsLectionary Weeks
Psalm 51:1-17 (A Responsorial Setting)Biblical Names and Places Jerusalem; Biblical Names and Places Zion; Broken-hearted; Church Year Ash Wednesday; Church Year Good Friday; Church Year Lent; Church Year Pentecost; Church Year Transfiguration; Cry to God; Daily Prayer Morning Prayer; Elements of Worship Assurance of Pardon; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Offering; Endurance; Forgiveness; God Trust in; God as Refuge; God as Spirit; God's Wisdom; God's Face; God's Forgiveness; God's Goodness; God's Justice; God's Love; God's Protection; Grace; Guilt; Humility; Joy; Judgment; Lord's Prayer 5th petition (forgive us our sins as we forgive…); Mercy; Offering of Sacrifice; Renewal; Servants of God; Sorrow; Suffering; Ten Commandments 7th Commandmnet (do not commit adultery); The Fall; Year A, B, C, Lent, Ash Wednesday; Year B, Lent, 5th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 31-August 6; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September, 11-17; Texts in Languages Other than English Xhosa
Create in Me a Clean HeartBiblical Names and Places Jerusalem; Biblical Names and Places Zion; Broken-hearted; Church Year Ash Wednesday; Church Year Good Friday; Church Year Lent; Church Year Pentecost; Church Year Transfiguration; Cry to God; Daily Prayer Morning Prayer; Elements of Worship Assurance of Pardon; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Offering; Endurance; Forgiveness; God Trust in; God as Refuge; God as Spirit; God's Wisdom; God's Face; God's Forgiveness; God's Goodness; God's Justice; God's Love; God's Protection; Grace; Guilt; Humility; Joy; Judgment; Lord's Prayer 5th petition (forgive us our sins as we forgive…); Mercy; Offering of Sacrifice; Renewal; Servants of God; Sorrow; Suffering; Ten Commandments 7th Commandmnet (do not commit adultery); The Fall; Year A, B, C, Lent, Ash Wednesday; Year B, Lent, 5th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 31-August 6; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September, 11-17
Kyrie/Lord Have MercyBiblical Names and Places Jerusalem; Biblical Names and Places Zion; Broken-hearted; Church Year Ash Wednesday; Church Year Good Friday; Church Year Lent; Church Year Pentecost; Church Year Transfiguration; Cry to God; Daily Prayer Morning Prayer; Elements of Worship Assurance of Pardon; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Offering; Endurance; Forgiveness; God Trust in; God as Refuge; God as Spirit; God's Wisdom; God's Face; God's Forgiveness; God's Goodness; God's Justice; God's Love; God's Protection; Grace; Guilt; Humility; Joy; Judgment; Lord's Prayer 5th petition (forgive us our sins as we forgive…); Mercy; Offering of Sacrifice; Renewal; Servants of God; Sorrow; Suffering; Ten Commandments 7th Commandmnet (do not commit adultery); The Fall; Year A, B, C, Lent, Ash Wednesday; Year B, Lent, 5th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 31-August 6; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September, 11-17
For You, My God, I WaitAngels; Atonement; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Biblical Names and Places Moses; Blessing; Church Year Lent; Church Year Maundy Thursday; Covenant; Elements of Worship Assurance of Pardon; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Elements of Worship Thanksgiving after the Lord's Supper; Faith; Forgiveness; God Changelessness of; God as King; God as Slow to Anger; God's Sovereignty; God's Word; God's Anger; God's Compassion; God's Faithfulness; God's Forgiveness; God's Generosity; God's Goodness; God's Justice; God's Kingdom; God's Love; God's Name; God's People (flock, sheep); Grace; Grave; Healing; Hope; Humanity Sustained by God; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Friend of Sinners; Jesus Christ Healer; Jesus Christ Teacher; Life Stages Family; Life Stages Generations; Life Stages Old Age; Life Stages Youth; Lord's Prayer 3rd petition (your will be done); Lord's Prayer 6th petition (save us from the time of trail…); Love; Mercy; Occasional Services Christian Marriage; Occasional Services Funerals; Occasional Services Healing Service; Occasional Services New Year; Peace; People of God / Church Family of God; People of God / Church Family of God; Prayer; Remembering; Salvation; Servants of God; Temptation And Trial; The Creation; The Fall; Victory; Witness; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 11-17; Year B, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 8th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, May 24-May 28 (if after Trinity Sunday); Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 21-27; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Church Year Advent; Church Year Ash Wednesday; Church Year Good Friday; Church Year Lent; Comfort and Encouragement; Conflict; Cry to God; Daily Prayer Midday Prayer; Darkness; Elements of Worship Assurance of Pardon; Elements of Worship Confession (Corporate); Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Failure; Forgiveness; God Dependence on; God Desire for; God as Refuge; God's Word; God's Forgiveness; God's Name; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Promises; God's Strength; Grace; Guilt; Hope; Hopelessness; Judgment; Love; Mercy; Occasional Services Funerals; Patience; People of God / Church Suffering; Prayer; Salvation; Social Justice; Temptation And Trial; The Fall; Victory; War and Revolution; Year A, Lent, 5th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 7-13; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 5-11 (if after Trinity Sunday); Year B. Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 26-July 2
When a Grain of Wheat (Hitotsubu no)Word; Anniversary (The United Church of Canada); Christian Year Lent; Christian Year Easter; Creation; Discernment; Funerals and Memorial Services; Healing; Jesus Christ Resurrection; Renewal; Resurrection; Service Music Confession; Service Music Assurance; Service Music Prayer For Illumination / Scripture Response; Service Music Communion
An Accompaniment for ReadingAnniversaries; Assurance; Church Year Lent; Church Year Transfiguration; Conflict; Courage; Darkness; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Elements of Worship Gathering; Elements of Worship Prayer for Illumination; Enemies; Freedom from Fear; God Dependence on; God as Refuge; God as Shelter; God's Armor; God's Love; God's Presence; God's Protection; God's Strength; Hope; Joy; Judgment; Lament Individual; Mercy; Occasional Services Dedication / Consecration / Anniversary; Occasional Services Funerals; Occasional Services Ordination and/or Installation; Peace; People of God / Church Suffering; Prayer; Temptation And Trial; Truth; Year A, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 3rd Sunday; Year C, Lent, 2nd Sunday
Psalm 27 (A Responsorial Setting)Anniversaries; Assurance; Church Year Lent; Church Year Transfiguration; Conflict; Courage; Darkness; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Elements of Worship Gathering; Elements of Worship Prayer for Illumination; Enemies; Freedom from Fear; God Dependence on; God as Refuge; God as Shelter; God's Armor; God's Love; God's Presence; God's Protection; God's Strength; Hope; Joy; Judgment; Lament Individual; Mercy; Occasional Services Dedication / Consecration / Anniversary; Occasional Services Funerals; Occasional Services Ordination and/or Installation; Peace; People of God / Church Suffering; Prayer; Temptation And Trial; Truth; Year A, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 3rd Sunday; Year C, Lent, 2nd Sunday; Eastern Orthodox Chant
Have Mercy on Me, O GodBiblical Names and Places Jerusalem; Biblical Names and Places Zion; Broken-hearted; Church Year Ash Wednesday; Church Year Good Friday; Church Year Lent; Church Year Pentecost; Church Year Transfiguration; Cry to God; Daily Prayer Morning Prayer; Elements of Worship Assurance of Pardon; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Offering; Endurance; Forgiveness; God Trust in; God as Refuge; God as Spirit; God's Wisdom; God's Face; God's Forgiveness; God's Goodness; God's Justice; God's Love; God's Protection; Grace; Guilt; Humility; Joy; Judgment; Lord's Prayer 5th petition (forgive us our sins as we forgive…); Mercy; Offering of Sacrifice; Renewal; Servants of God; Sorrow; Suffering; Ten Commandments 7th Commandmnet (do not commit adultery); The Fall; Year A, B, C, Lent, Ash Wednesday; Year B, Lent, 5th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 31-August 6; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September, 11-17
Psalm 130 (A Responsorial Setting)Angels; Atonement; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Biblical Names and Places Moses; Blessing; Church Year Lent; Church Year Maundy Thursday; Covenant; Elements of Worship Assurance of Pardon; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Elements of Worship Thanksgiving after the Lord's Supper; Faith; Forgiveness; God Changelessness of; God as King; God as Slow to Anger; God's Sovereignty; God's Word; God's Anger; God's Compassion; God's Faithfulness; God's Forgiveness; God's Generosity; God's Goodness; God's Justice; God's Kingdom; God's Love; God's Name; God's People (flock, sheep); Grace; Grave; Healing; Hope; Humanity Sustained by God; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Friend of Sinners; Jesus Christ Healer; Jesus Christ Teacher; Life Stages Family; Life Stages Generations; Life Stages Old Age; Life Stages Youth; Lord's Prayer 3rd petition (your will be done); Lord's Prayer 6th petition (save us from the time of trail…); Love; Mercy; Occasional Services Christian Marriage; Occasional Services Funerals; Occasional Services Healing Service; Occasional Services New Year; Peace; People of God / Church Family of God; People of God / Church Family of God; Prayer; Remembering; Salvation; Servants of God; Temptation And Trial; The Creation; The Fall; Victory; Witness; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 11-17; Year B, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 8th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, May 24-May 28 (if after Trinity Sunday); Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 21-27; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Church Year Advent; Church Year Ash Wednesday; Church Year Good Friday; Church Year Lent; Comfort and Encouragement; Conflict; Cry to God; Daily Prayer Midday Prayer; Darkness; Elements of Worship Assurance of Pardon; Elements of Worship Confession (Corporate); Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Failure; Forgiveness; God Dependence on; God Desire for; God as Refuge; God's Word; God's Forgiveness; God's Name; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Promises; God's Strength; Grace; Guilt; Hope; Hopelessness; Judgment; Love; Mercy; Occasional Services Funerals; Patience; People of God / Church Suffering; Prayer; Salvation; Social Justice; Temptation And Trial; The Fall; Victory; War and Revolution; Year A, Lent, 5th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 7-13; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 5-11 (if after Trinity Sunday); Year B. Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 26-July 2
Out of the Depths I Cry to YouBiblical Names and Places Israel; Church Year Advent; Church Year Ash Wednesday; Church Year Good Friday; Church Year Lent; Comfort and Encouragement; Conflict; Cry to God; Daily Prayer Midday Prayer; Darkness; Elements of Worship Assurance of Pardon; Elements of Worship Confession (Corporate); Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Failure; Forgiveness; God Dependence on; God Desire for; God as Refuge; God's Word; God's Forgiveness; God's Name; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Promises; God's Strength; Grace; Guilt; Hope; Hopelessness; Judgment; Love; Mercy; Occasional Services Funerals; Patience; People of God / Church Suffering; Prayer; Salvation; Social Justice; Temptation And Trial; The Fall; Victory; War and Revolution; Year A, Lent, 5th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 7-13; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 5-11 (if after Trinity Sunday); Year B. Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 26-July 2
Love Us into FullnessConfession, Lament, and Healing; Christian Year Advent; Christian Year Lent; Discernment; Forgiveness; Grace; Healing; Jesus Christ; Journey; Love of God/Christ; Redemption; Service Music Assurance; Service Music Response / Affirmation; Service Music Sending Forth
O Friend Without JesusAssurance; Christ; Confession; Invitation; Solos and Duets
Divine Grace MagnifiedAccess to God; Aspirations For Church Priveleges; Assurance Desired; Blessedness Of Those Chosen of God; Christ Grace and Love of; Christ The Saviour; Christ Worshiped; Christians Fellowship of; Christians Saved by Grace; Deliverance From Sin; Divine Election; Faith Confession of; Glory of God In Providence; God Goodness of; God Hearer of Prayer; God Love and Mercy; God Omnipotence of; God Works of; Gospel Privileges of; Missions Influence of; Nature Revelation of God in; Pardon Set Forth; Praise By Saints; Praise By Universe; Praise for temporal blessings; Praise For Works of Creation; Praise For Work of Redemption; Praise Part of Public Worship; Prayer Confession in; Prayer confidence in; Prayer For the Church; The Sea; Sin Confession of; Sin Conflict with; Sin Salvation from; Strength in God; Thanksgiving Declared; Trust in God Expression of; Vows; Christian warfare; Worship Delightful to Saints; Zion Glory of
The Blessings of GraceAccess to God; Aspirations For Church Priveleges; Assurance Desired; Blessedness Of Those Chosen of God; Christ Worshiped; Christians Fellowship of; Deliverance From Sin; Effectual Calling; Divine Election; Faith Confession of; Glory of God In Providence; God Goodness of; God Hearer of Prayer; God Love and Mercy; God Works of; Gospel Privileges of; Grace Abounding; Grace Justifying; Missions Influence of; Pardon Set Forth; Praise By Saints; Praise By Universe; Praise for temporal blessings; Praise For Work of Redemption; Praise Part of Public Worship; Prayer Confession in; Prayer confidence in; Prayer For the Church; Sin Confession of; Sin Conflict with; Sin Salvation from; Thanksgiving Declared; Vows; Worship Delightful to Saints; Zion Glory of; Christians Saved by Grace
El Señor es mi luz (The Lord Is My Light)Anniversaries; Assurance; Church Year Lent; Church Year Transfiguration; Conflict; Courage; Darkness; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Elements of Worship Gathering; Elements of Worship Prayer for Illumination; Enemies; Freedom from Fear; God Dependence on; God as Refuge; God as Shelter; God's Armor; God's Love; God's Presence; God's Protection; God's Strength; Hope; Joy; Judgment; Lament Individual; Mercy; Occasional Services Dedication / Consecration / Anniversary; Occasional Services Funerals; Occasional Services Ordination and/or Installation; Peace; People of God / Church Suffering; Prayer; Temptation And Trial; Truth; Year A, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 3rd Sunday; Year C, Lent, 2nd Sunday; Texts in Languages Other than English Spanish
LORD, My Petition HeedAffliction; Church Year Lent; Elements of Worship Assurance of Pardon; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Forgiveness; God Obedience to; God as Guide; God as King; God's Wonders; God's Deeds; God's Faithfulness; God's Goodness; God's Love; God's Way; Joy; Lament Individual; Love for God; Mission; Occasional Services Ordination and/or Installation; Prayer; Salvation; Temptation And Trial; The Needy; Trust; Truth; Worship; Year A Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 17-23; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 19-25 (if after Trinity Sunday)
God the church's strengthAfflictions Refuge in; Aspirations For Church Privileges; Assurance Enjoyed; Christ Abiding with Believers; Christ Present in His Church; Christ The Savior; Church An Abode of God; Church Christ the Head of; Church Security of; Church Triumph of; Comfort in Trials; Faith Confession of; Faith Confession of; Faith Confidence of; Fearlessness; God Refuge; God Supremacy of; Gospel Privileges of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Missions Encouragements; Royalty of Christ Providential; Royalty of Christ Will Subject the World to God; Strength in God
The Fatherly Goodness of GodAccess to God; Aspirations For Church Priveleges; Aspirations For Heaven; Assurance Desired; Blessedness Of Those Chosen of God; Christ Grace and Love of; Christ The Saviour; Christ Worshiped; Christians Fellowship of; Christians Saved by Grace; Deliverance From Sin; Divine Election; Faith Confession of; Glory of God In Providence; God Goodness of; God Hearer of Prayer; God Love and Mercy; God Omnipotence of; God Works of; Gospel Privileges of; Grace Justifying; Grace Sovereign ; Missions Influence of; Nature Revelation of God in; Pardon Set Forth; Praise By Saints; Praise By Universe; Praise for temporal blessings; Praise For Works of Creation; Praise For Work of Redemption; Praise Part of Public Worship; Prayer Confession in; Prayer confidence in; Prayer For the Church; The Sea; Sin Confession of; Sin Salvation from; Thanksgiving Declared; Vows; Worship Delightful to Saints; Zion Glory of
Holiness and Divine FavorAfflictions Promises for; Afflictions Watchfulness in; Aspirations For Holiness; Bible Spirit's Aid in Study of; Character Value of Good; Christ Confessing; Christ Light and Guide; Christ Providences of; Christ Righteousness of; Christians Conquerors; Christians Conscious of Safety; Christians Graces of; Comfort in Trials; Deliverance From Enemies; Glory of God In Providence; God Adored and Exalted; God Attributes of; God Gentleness of; God Righteousness of; Gospel Freeness of ; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; Spiritual Illumination; Perseverance; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Prayer For Pardon; Providence of God Over Saints; Safety Assured; Sin Salvation from; Sincerity; Trust in God Expression of; Worship Sincerity in
One Thing I AskAnniversaries; Assurance; Church Year Lent; Church Year Transfiguration; Conflict; Courage; Darkness; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Elements of Worship Gathering; Elements of Worship Prayer for Illumination; Enemies; Freedom from Fear; God Dependence on; God as Refuge; God as Shelter; God's Armor; God's Love; God's Presence; God's Protection; God's Strength; Hope; Joy; Judgment; Lament Individual; Mercy; Occasional Services Dedication / Consecration / Anniversary; Occasional Services Funerals; Occasional Services Ordination and/or Installation; Peace; People of God / Church Suffering; Prayer; Temptation And Trial; Truth; Year A, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 3rd Sunday; Year C, Lent, 2nd Sunday
In You There Is a RefugeConfession, Lament, and Healing; Christian Year Advent; Christian Year Lent; Discernment; Healing; Light; Nurture; Quiet; Service Music Assurance; Service Music Offering; Trust
God the strength and refuge of his peopleAfflictions Refuge in; Assurance Enjoyed; Christ Abiding with Believers; Christ Present in His Church; Christ The Savior; Church An Abode of God; Church Christ the Head of; Church Security of; Church Triumph of; Comfort in Trials; Death Of the Wicked; Faith Confession of; Faith Confidence of; Fearlessness; God Refuge; God Supremacy of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Missions Encouragements; Nations Dependent on God; Peace; Royalty of Christ Nations His Subjects; Royalty of Christ Providential; Royalty of Christ Will Subject the World to God; Strength in God


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