220. Forward! be our Watchword

1 Forward! be our watch-word,
Steps and voices join'd;
Seek the things before us,
Not a look behind.
Burns the fiery pillar
At our army's head;
Who shall dream of shrinking,
By our Captain led?
Forward thro' the desert,
Thro' the toil and fight!
Jordan flows before us;
Zion beams with light.

2 Forward, when in childhood
Buds the infant mind;
All thro' youth and man-hood,
Not a tho't behind.
Speed thro' realms of nature,
Climb the steps of grace;
Faint not, till in glory
Gleams our Father’s face.
Forward, all the lifetime,
Climb from height to height,
Till the head be hoary,
Till the eve be light.

3 Glories upon glories
Hath our God prepar'd,
By the souls that love Him
One day to be shar'd.
Eye hath not beheld them,
Ear hath never heard;
Nor of these have utter'd
Thought or speech a word.
Forward, marching east-ward,
Where the heav'n is bright,
Till the veil be lifted,
Till our faith be sight.

Text Information
First Line: Forward! be our watchword
Title: Forward! be our Watchword
Author: H. Alford (1871 Abr.)
Language: English
Publication Date: 1918
Topic: Childhood and Youth: Youth; Childhood
Tune Information
Composer: Henry Smart (1872)
Key: G Major

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