16317. Jesus Is Coming

1 Jesus is com­ing! awake the glad song,
Coming again, com­ing again!
Join, all ye faith­ful, the strains to pro­long;
Jesus is com­ing again!
Jesus is com­ing, the pro­mise behold!
Coming with bless­ings to mor­tals un­told,
Blessings more pre­cious than sil­ver or gold,
Jesus is com­ing again!

Coming again, com­ing again!
Jesus is com­ing again!
Soon shall our king in His glo­ry ap­pear;
Jesus is com­ing again!

2 Jesus is com­ing! O glo­ri­ous day!
Coming again, com­ing again!
Darkness and err­or will van­ish away;
Jesus is com­ing again!
Lo, in His beau­ty the King we shall see,
Coming in glo­ry for you and for me;
Sing with the ran­somed the songs of the free,
Jesus is com­ing again! [Refrain]

3 Jesus is com­ing, Re­deem­er and friend,
Coming again, com­ing again!
Strong to de­li­ver and keep to the end;
Jesus is com­ing again!
Coming in might, and in ma­jes­ty clad,
Making the tempt­ed and sor­row­ing glad,
Beaming with joy on the tear­ful and sad,
Jesus is com­ing again! [Refrain]

4 Jesus is com­ing, O haste to pre­pare!
Coming again! com­ing again!
Blessèd are those who His tri­umph will share;
Jesus is com­ing again!
Earth, still thy trem­blings of ang­uish and fear;
Hushed be thy mur­mur­ings His coming is near;
Soon shall our king in His glo­ry ap­pear,
Jesus is com­ing again! [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: Jesus is com­ing! awake the glad song
Title: Jesus Is Coming
Author: Robert Lowe Fletcher (1899)
Refrain First Line: Coming again, com­ing again!
Language: English
Copyright: Public Domain
Tune Information
Name: [Jesus is com­ing! awake the glad song]
Composer: James McGranahan
Key: B♭ Major
Copyright: Public Domain

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Noteworthy Composer score: Noteworthy Composer Score
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