122. Lord God, we all give praise to Thee

1 Lord God, we all give praise to Thee,
And sing Thy love most gratefully,
For the angelic beings bright
Who hover round Thy throne of light.

2 They shine resplendent by Thy grace
And gaze enraptured on Thy face;
They hear Thy voice as Thou hast willed,
And are with heavenly wisdom filled.

3 Thy slumber not, nor rest their feet;
It is their aim and joy most sweet
To be Thy host, Thou mighty Rock!
And be around Thy little flock.

4 The foul old dragon and dread foe
Burns with fierce envious hate below;
He seeks more than all else beside
Thy Christian people to divide.

5 He blighted earth with lying breath
And hold his grip e'en now till death;
Chafes madly to annihilate
All virtue, honor, Church, and State.

6 Nor halt nor rest he ever knows;
As roaring lion 'round he goes,
Or lies in wait with desp'rate snare
To bring the Christian to despair.

7 But watchful is the angel-band
That follows Christ on every hand,
And guards Thy Holy Christendom
From harm that may from Satan come.

8 This we can well of Daniel ken,
When he sat in the lions' den;
And earlier still, we have been taught
How angels rescued pious Lot.

9 Likewise the Hebrews three, of old,
Who bend no knee to gods of gold,
Sang cheerfully mid flames intense:
God's angel was their sure defence.

10 And thus our God, still at this day,
From harm and many an evil way
Keeps us by His dear angel-guard,
Placed o'er us as our watch and ward.

11 For this, now and eternally,
Our praise shall rise, O God, to Thee,
Whom also angel-hosts adore
With joy, now and forevermore.

12 We yet would pray Thee to defend
By them, unto the latter end,
Thy fold, that little flock, O Lord,
That holds in honor Thy blest Word!

Text Information
First Line: Lord God, we all give praise to Thee
Author: Dr. Philip Melanchthon (1543)
Translator (into German): Dr. Paul Eber (1554)
Translator (into English): Rev. Emanuel Cronenwett, D. D. (1880)
Meter: L. M. No. 1
Language: English
Publication Date: 1908
Topic: The Church Year: Michaelmas
Notes: From the German Text: Herr Goot, dich loben alle wir
Tune Information
Composer: Louis Bourgeois (1551)
Meter: L. M. No. 1
Key: G Major
Source: Genevan Psalter

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