108. The Virgins Ten

1 “Five of them were wise and five were foolish,”
Of the virgins ten who assembled there.
“Five of them were wise and five were foolish”
When the summons came for the feast prepare.

Some were shouting, some were weeping
When the bridegroom came and they entered in:
Should He come tonight, would you enter light,
Or be driven out with your load of sin?

2 Five of them had oil and five were careless,
For the needed oil then had failed to bring.
Tho’ they trimmed their lamps when called to hasten
They were not prepared for to meet their King. [Refrain]

3 Five of them were ready, five were tardy,
For the Bridegroom came in the midnight gloom;
Five of them were welcomed, five were banished,
In the darkness deep met their solemn doom. [Refrain]

4 Five of them were shouting, five were wailing,
For the door was shut when the Bridegroom came;
Five of them were glad and now are singing,
Five of them must dwell in eternal flame. [Refrain]

5 Brother, when He comes, will you be foolish,
If you’d enter in you must forsake sin;
Brother, he is coming, don’t be sleeping,
Oh! be wise—prepare, we shall enter in. [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: "Five of them were wise and five were foolish"
Title: The Virgins Ten
Author: Dr. H. J. Zelley
Refrain First Line: Some were shouting, some were weeping
Language: English
Publication Date: 1905


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