218. O Lord, hear Thou my calling

1 O Lord, hear Thou my calling,
Out of the deep I cry:
O make my prayer availing;
With aid to me draw nigh:
O mark my lamentation,
My restless sighing hear,
And to my supplication
Incline thy gracious ear.

2 If Thou shouldst mark abuses
And strict account demand,
O Lord, with what excuses
Could we before Thee stand?
But if with true contrition
Our sins we mourn and blame,
Thou savest from perdition
That we may fear Thy name.

3 In God my hope abideth,
My trust is in the Lord,
My soul in Him confideth
And builds upon His word:
My soul for Him is yearning,
More longing for His grace
Than daylight's sweet returning
The watchman longs to trace.

4 Be God thy strong foundation,
Thou chosen Israel;
Thy God with whom salvation
And mercy ever dwell;
His river ever streameth
With pardon full and free,
He Israel redeemeth
From all iniquity.

Text Information
First Line: O Lord, hear Thou my calling
Author: Clement Marot (1557)
Meter: 7, 6. 8L.
Publication Date: 1913
Topic: The Church Year: Epiphany; Afflcition
Tune Information
Name: [O Lord, hear Thou my calling]
Composed or adapted by: L. Bourgeois (c. 1545)
Meter: 7, 6. 8L.
Key: d minor

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