See how the phrase “morning star son of the dawn” is found in Isaiah 14:12, but there it is referring to the fall of Babylon (and Satan).
See also the primary references of Psalms 31:14-15, 39:4-6, 90:7-17 and Psalm 144.
Also note James 4:13-18.
Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 19, Question and Answer 52 professes that “in all distress and persecution, with uplifted head, I confidently await the very judge who has already offered himself to the judgment of God in my place and removed the whole curse from me. Christ will cast all his enemies and mine into everlasting condemnation, but will take me and all his chosen ones to himself into the joy and glory of heaven.”
Our World Belongs to God, paragraph 57 describes what believers can expect to experience: “…We will see our Savior face to face…he will set all things right…we face that day without fear for the Judge is our Savior whose shed blood declares us righteous. We live confidently, anticipating his coming...”