106. Psalm 23: The King of Love

1 The King of love my shepherd is,
whose goodness keeps me ever.
I want for nothing! I am God's
and God is mine forever.

2 Where streams of living water flow
My happy soul God leads now,
And where the greenest pastures grow
with food celestial feeds now.

3 Though often foolishly I strayed,
still in true love God sought me;
and told me to be unafraid,
and home again God brought me.

4 In time of death I'll have no fear
with You, dear Lord, beside me;
your rod and staff my comfort still,
your cross before to guide me.

5 You spread a table in my sight;
The bread of life bestowing;
With promise of eternal light
My cup is overflowing!

6 Through all of my remaining days
Then guide me, leave me never,
Good Shepherd, may I sing Your praise
Within Your house forever.

Text Information
First Line: The King of Love my shepherd is
Title: Psalm 23: The King of Love
Author: Henry W. Baker, 1821-1877 (alt.)
Language: English
Publication Date: 1995
Topic: Service of the Word: Songs from the Psalms; Praise and Thanksgiving: Songs for Praising the Father
Tune Information
Key: E♭ Major

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