Renew! Songs and Hymns for Blended Worship

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Hail to the Lord's anointed[Hail to the Lord's anointed]TextPage Scan
102The Lord is my light[The Lord is my light, my light and salvation]
103Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord[Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord]
104Hear, O Lord, my urgent prayerTEBBEN
105I love you, Lord, my strength, my rockFOREST GREEN
106The King of Love my shepherd isST. COLUMBATextPage Scan
107You are my hiding place[You are my hiding place]
108Hear my cry, O Lord, attend unto my prayer[Hear my cry, O Lord, attend unto my prayer]TextPage ScanAudio
109God is my great desireLEONITextPage Scan
110Come quickly Lord, to rescue meSPLENDOUR
111I will sing of the mercies of the Lord foreverFILLMOREPage Scan
112You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord[You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord]
113Sing a new song to the LordONSLOW SQUARETextPage Scan
114It is He who forgives all your guilt[Bless the Lord, my soul]
115God's holy ways are just and trueLASST UNS ERFREUENTextPage Scan
116What shall I render to the LordROCKINGHAMTextPage Scan
117Jerusalem, God's city[Jerusalem, God's city]
118O Lord, my God, You know all my waysSHEPHERDSWELLTextPage Scan
119Hallelujah, praise the LordORIENTIS PARTIBUS
120I will sing unto the LordTZENA
121¡Canta, Débora, canta!DEBORA
122Therefore you shall draw water with rejoicing[Therefore you shall draw water with rejoicing]
123Behold, darkness shall cover the earthARISE, SHINE (Glass)
124The fig tree is budding, the vine bearing fruitCLAY
125In my trouble, in my trouble[In my trouble, in my trouble]
126Come back to me with all your heart[Come back to me]
127Blest are they, the poor in spiritBLEST ARE THEY
128Bless'd be the God of IsraelFOREST GREENTextPage Scan
129Sing, my soul, sing out your praisesPLEADING SAVIOR
130Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the LordWOODLANDSText
131Magnify the LordMAGNIFICAT
132As Moses raised the serpent upTHE GIFT OF LOVE
133At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bowCAMBERWELLText
134If the struggle you're facing is slowly replacing[If the struggle you're facing is slowly replacing]
135Glory, glory, glory to the Lamb[Glory, glory, glory to the Lamb]
139Halle, halle, hallelujahHalle, Halle, HallelujahText
140Just as I am, without one pleaWOODWORTHTextPage Scan
141Come, ye sinners, poor and needyARISE TextPage Scan
142Obey my voice, and I will be your God[Obey my voice, and I will be your God]Text
143Change my heart, O God[Change my heart, O God]
144We choose the fear of the Lord[We choose the fear of the Lord]
145Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heartI WANT TO BE A CHRISTIANTextPage Scan
146O Lord, Your tenderness[O Lord, Your tenderness]
147Softly and tenderly Jesus is callingTHOMPSONTextPage Scan
148Brother, let me be your servant[Brother, let me be your servant]
149I, the Lord of sea and skyHERE I AM, LORD
150Take my life that it may beTEBBEN
151Be thou my Vision[Be Thou my Vision]TextPage Scan
152I want to walk as a child of the lightHOUSTON
153You are salt for the earth[You are salt for the earth]
154Sent by the Lord am I[Sent by the Lord am I]
155Though I may speak with bravest fireGIFT OF LOVETextPage Scan
156We believe in God the Father[We believe in God the Father]
157We believe in God AlmightyDIVINUM MYSTERIUMTextPage Scan
158Meekness and majesty[Meekness and majesty, manhood and Deity]
159What a mighty God we serve[What a mighty God we serve]TextPage Scan
160I cannot tell why he whom angels worshipLONDONDERRY AIRTextPage Scan
161Bear with one another in love and charity[Bear with one another in love and charity]
162Every eye shall seeEVERY EYE
163All heav'n declares the glory of the risen Lord[All heav'n declares the glory of the risen Lord]
164Christ beside me, Christ before meBUNESSAN
165I bind unto myself todayTextPage Scan
166Fairest Lord JesusCRUSADER'S HYMNTextPage Scan
167Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place[Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place]
168If you believe and I believe and we together pray[If you believe and I believe]TextPage Scan
169Stay with me, remain here with me[Stay with me, remain here with me]Text
170Stay here and keep watch with me[Stay here and keep watch with me]
171Let us pray to the Lord[Let us pray to the Lord]Text
172In our lives, Lord, be glorified[In our lives Lord, be glorified]
173O Lord hear my prayer[O Lord hear my prayer]
174Lord of all hopefulnessSLANE
175Lead me, Lord, lead me in your righteousnessLEAD ME, LORDTextPage Scan
176I am weak and I need your strength and powerLEAD ME
177Our Father, which art in heavenMALOTTE
178Our Father who art in heaven[Our Father who art in heaven]TextPage Scan
179Our Father in heaven[Our Father in heaven]Text
180Our Father, who art in heavenWEST INDIAN
181Create in me a clean heart[Create in me a clean heart, O God]
182Create in me a clean heart O God[Create in me a clean heart]Text
183Ah, holy Jesus, how have you offendedHERZLIBSTER JESUTextPage Scan
184"Forgive our sins as we forgive"DETROIT
185Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary[Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary]
186If my people called by my name[If my people]
187Purify my heart[Purify my heart]
188Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord[Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord]
189Amazing grace! how sweet the soundNEW BRITAINTextPage Scan
190Come let us reason togetherCOME LET US REASON
191O Christ, the healer, we have comeERHALT UNS, HERRTextPage Scan
192God forgave my sin in Jesus' name[God forgave my sin in Jesus' name]
193And can it be that I should gain[And can it be that I should gain]TextPage Scan
194Jesus! What a Friend for sinnersHYFRYDOLTextPage Scan
195I come with joy a child of GodLAND OF RESTTextPage Scan
196Love divine, all loves excellingHYFRYDOLTextPage Scan
197Come, let us eat, for now the feast is spreadA VA DE
198Worthy is Christ, the Lamb who was slainYLVISAKER
199Worthy is Christ, the Lamb who was slainFESTIVAL CANTICLE
200Hallelujah, my Father[Hallelujah, my Father]

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