152. Onward Go and Trust in God

1 Onward go and trust in God, tho’ all before be dark or bright,
There’s a Friend to guide ever by your side;
Bravely go where duty calls and God will give the needed light:
Falter never! he will ever safely guide.

Do whatever God commands you, tho’ the way be dark or bright;
Lend thy hand to help another and the Master will requite;
Falter not but do thy duty, trust in God and do the right,—
Onward, onward, trust in God.

2 Onward go and help another who is toiling on alone;
Give a word of cheer, dry the falling tear;
Let your loyalty to right and love to God be ever known;
Serve him better, break each fetter, banish fear. [Chorus]

3 Onward, brother, never doubt that God and truth will surely win;
Holding fast the right, serve him with your might;
Take the field against all evil in your heart, and conquer sin;
Help from heaven will be given in the fight. [Chorus]

Text Information
First Line: Onward go and trust in God, tho' all before be dark or bright
Title: Onward Go and Trust in God
Author: W. C. Martin
Refrain First Line: Do whatever God commands you, tho' the way be dark or bright
Language: English
Publication Date: 1913


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