Favorite Radio Songs

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1When you reach your home in glory
2At your feet every moment, my brother
3Pilgrims for Jesus in a lowland of sin
4Brother, what of the seed you are sowing
5No tears in heaven, no sorrows given
6When the morning light you see
7Though a burden bearing, never be despairing
8I have had a happy vision of a distant better land
9Broad is the road [stream] that leads to death [wrath]
10As I travel through life with its trouble and strife
11Crossing the river, bound for the heavenly shore
12My precious Savior suffered pain and agony
13Sail on O soul though the waves
14I'm just a weary pilgrim plodding through this world of sin
15Good morning, fellow pilgrims
16In the Bible we read of a city where the faithful
17When the storms of life are raging stand by me
18Just a little while to tarry in this vale of grief and tears
19Sorrow's dark clouds gather o'er me
20Kneel at the cross, Christ will meet you there
21O my precious, loving Savior, lend to me a helping hand
22Some people go to church on Sunday
23I met a sister the other day
24There's a rainbow of love that is pointing above
25When the Savior calls I will answer
26She's a little old fashioned
27We have lost our dear, sweet mother
28I dreamed I saw mother in heaven
29Christ has no hands but our hands
30If you would make the world brighter
31O what wondrous love I see
32If you should reach heaven before I arrive
33We are climbing Jacob's golden ladder
34I've left the land of Egypt
35'Tis sweet to remember the love of my Lord who suffered on dark Calvary
36I have naught to fear on my journey here
37When my soul is singing in the [that] promised land above
38O the shadows of the evening were falling
39We will meet with disappointments
40Whosoever may be before me
41If with pleasure you are viewing
42Brother afar from the Savior today
43The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want, He leadeth me night and day
44Often in dreaming I see a glad land
45I am going up to heaven fair
46Though the sorrows of life press me sore
47Sorrows surround us while treading life's road
48Sometimes when misgivings darken the day
49Life is dreary, you are weary Teardrops fall like rain
50Dear friend, are you trusting the Savior today
51He knows the bitter, weary way
52I'm walking in the gospel way
53Sleep, thou little one, sleep
54Over the river faces I see
55There is a city supernal God has prepared
56Fearing the storm no more
57My Jesus [Savior], I love thee, I know thou art mine
58Was it for me the Savior came and bore the cross
59O love surpassing knowledge
60Our days on earth are numbered
61When I was lost in sin and disgrace
62Is there heavy weight of care
63Earth holds no treasures but perish with using
64The noonday sun is shining
65How sweet and happy seem those days
66Many souls are wandering from the precious Savior
67Like Abraham from the plains of sin
68We read of a place that's called heaven
69I've heard of a beautiful city above
70While going onward through life
71As the life of a flower
72Some day you'll stand at the bar on high
73Men strive for the wealth of this wide, wicked
74We praise thee, O God, for the Son of thy love
75When you are weary and by sin oppressed
76There's a garden of Eden in glory
77When I come to the river at ending of day
78There's light in the valley of shadows
79How I loved my sainted mother
80I need thee every hour, most gracious Lord
81There is a happy land of sunshine
82Happy in Jesus, though burdens I bear
83Each day I'll do a golden deed
84Memory paints a picture very dear to me
85How often you long for the treasure you see
86On Zion's hill a mansion stands For all the pure and blest
87When I went to the home of my childhood
88I am on the restless sea of life
89Home is so lonely since mother's not there
90Many today think all our fathers were wrong
91Far from the shades of sadness
92If you'd keep away from worry
93O merry goes the time When the heart is young
94As you travel along on the Jericho road
95What can wash away my sin [sins] [stain]
96Dark are the windows, no flickering glow Lights up the old home
97When death shall close these eyelids
98Every little flower that is blooming today
99When the billows rise and roll
100When Jesus comes again to gather his own

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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