Hymns of Zion: A Selection of Sacred Songs and Hymns for Devotional Use

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1With your Zion's harps now chiming[With your Zion's harps now chiming]
2The Lord is in His holy temple[The Lord is in His holy temple]
3Before Jehovah's awful throne[Before Jehovah's awful throne]
4God is our refuge and our strength[God is our refuge and our strength]
5O worship the King, all-glorious above[O worship the King, all-glorious above]
6There's a wideness in God's mercy[There's a wideness in God's mercy]
7Greetings be to you, our brethren[Greetings be to you, our brethren]
8Day is dying in the west[Day is dying in the west]
9How gentle God's commands[How gentle God's commands]
10Break Thou the bread of life[Break Thou the bread of life]
11How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord[How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord]
12How precious is the Book divine[How precious is the Book divine]
13My soul, be on thy guard[My soul, be on thy guard]
14As with gladness men of old[As with gladness men of old]
15Quiet, Lord, my froward heart[Quiet, Lord, my froward heart]
16What glory gilds the sacred page[What glory gilds the sacred page]
17Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing[Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing]
18The Lord shall preserve thy going out[The Lord shall preserve thy going out]
19Saviour, again to Thy dear Name we raiseELLERS
20O gentle Saviour, from Thy throne on high[O gentle Saviour, from Thy throne on high]
21All the way my Saviour leads me[All the way my Saviour leads me]
22Afflictions, tho' they seem severe[Afflictions, tho' they seem severe]
23The Lord bless thee, and keep thee[The Lord bless thee, and keep thee]
24I know I love Thee better, Lord[I know I love Thee better, Lord]
25Come, Thou almighty King[Come, Thou almighty King]
26Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?[Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?]
27Majestic sweetness sits enthronedORTONVILLE
28'Tis midnight; and on Olives' browOLIVES' BROW
29Jesus! the very thought of TheeST. AGNES
30My life, my love I give to Thee[My life, my love I give to Thee]
31I have a Saviour, He's pleading in glory[I have a Saviour, He's pleading in glory]
32Gracious Spirit, Love Divine![Gracious Spirit, Love Divine!]
33Now from the altar of my heart[Now from the altar of my heart]
34It came upon the midnight clear[It came upon the midnight clear]
35God's plan fulfilled as He had willed[God's plan fulfilled as He had willed]
36The blessed story of the Christ[The blessed story of the Christ]
37O little town of Bethlehem[O little town of Bethlehem]
38Away in a manger[Away in a manger]
39While shepherds watched their flocks by nightCHRISTMAS
40O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant[O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant]
41Angels, from the realms of gloryREGENT SQUARE
42Silent night! holy night![Silent night! holy night!]
43The first Noel the angel did say[The first Noel the angel did say]
44No, I will not envy[No, I will not envy]
45Why come ye at break of morning[Why come ye at break of morning]
46Seeds of goodness we are sowing[Seeds of goodness we are sowing]
47Up yonder in heaven 'tis well with my soul[Up yonder in heaven 'tis well with my soul]
48Upon a stormy sea of life[Upon a stormy sea of life]
49The heavens are praising the name of Jehovah![The heavens are praising the name of Jehovah!]
50I know a land where peace does e'er abide[I know a land where peace does e'er abide]
51I cannot tell how precious[I cannot tell how precious]
52O troubled heart, there is a home[O troubled heart, there is a home]
53Meet today and part tomorrow[Meet today and part tomorrow]
54There was a loving Shepherd[There was a loving Shepherd]
55When peace, like a river, attendeth my way[When peace, like a river, attendeth my way]
56Jesus, mighty Liberator[Jesus, mighty Liberator]
57When earth's few trials once are ended[When earth's few trials once are ended]
58O! what shall I do to be saved[O! what shall I do to be saved]
59Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart[Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart]
60Once more, before we part[Once more, before we part]
61Beyond the dark and dismal tomb[Beyond the dark and dismal tomb]
62Take the Bible in the morning[Take the Bible in the morning]
63It was in dark Gethsemane[It was in dark Gethsemane]
64There is beauty all around[There is beauty all around]
65Angry words! O let them never[Angry words! O let them never]
66Beyond the smiling and the weeping[Beyond the smiling and the weeping]
67The earth is the Lord's[The earth is the Lord's]
68His ways are ways of pleasantness[His ways are ways of pleasantness]
69All to Him committing[All to Him committing]
70Jesus, lowly Saviour[Jesus, lowly Saviour]
71The eternal God is thy refuge[The eternal God is thy refuge]
72Christ our Redeemer died on the cross[Christ our Redeemer died on the cross]
73The Sunday school is our delight[The Sunday school is our delight]
74Jesus knows thy sorrow[Jesus knows thy sorrow]
75Oft I read the blessed Bible[Oft I read the blessed Bible]
76Oh, to be nothing, nothing[Oh, to be nothing, nothing]
77My heav'nly mansion, so bright and fair[My heav'nly mansion, so bright and fair]
78My life's best delight and pleasure[My life's best delight and pleasure]
79Another day of grace is here[Another day of grace is here]
80All hail the power of Jesus' nameDIADEM
81Who at my door is standing[Who at my door is standing]
82While life prolongs its precious light[While life prolongs its precious light]
83The heaven's declare the glory of God[The heaven's declare the glory of God]
84Keep thy heart with all diligence[Keep thy heart with all diligence]
85Faith of our fathers! living still[Faith of our fathers! living still]
86Some one will enter the pearly gate[Some one will enter the pearly gate]
87O I love to talk with Jesus[O I love to talk with Jesus]
88Forever with the Lord[Forever with the Lord]
89Oh who among the sons of men[Oh who among the sons of men]
90Who can cheer the heart like Jesus[Who can cheer the heart like Jesus]
91There are friendships that we cherish[There are friendships that we cherish]
92Nearer, my God to Thee[Nearer, my God to Thee]
93I need Thee ev'ry hour[I need Thee ev'ry hour]
94O Love that wilt not let me go[O Love that wilt not let me go]
95Praise God, from whom all blessings flowOLD HUNDREDTH
96Hear our prayer, O Lord[Hear our prayer, O Lord]
97Amazing grace! how sweet the sound[Amazing grace! how sweet the sound]
98Teach me yet more of Thy blest ways[Teach me yet more of Thy blest ways]
99My hope is built on nothing less[My hope is built on nothing less]
100Faith is a living pow'r from heav'n[Faith is a living pow'r from heav'n]

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