One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism: an African American ecumenical hymnal

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101I've seen the lightning flashingNEVER ALONETextPage Scan
102Jesus loves me! this I knowCHINATextPage Scan
103Rock of ages, cleft for meTOPLADYTextPage Scan
104Father, I stretch, I stretch my hands to Thee[Father, I stretch, I stretch my hands to Thee]Page Scan
105Standing on the promises of Christ, my KingPROMISESTextPage Scan
106Joys are flowing like a riverBLESSED QUIETNESSTextPage Scan
107I must tell Jesus all of my trialsORWIGSBURGTextPage Scan
108When peace, like a river, attendeth my wayVILLE DU HAVRETextPage Scan
109I have found a friend in JesusSALVATIONISTTextPage Scan
110I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me[I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me]Page Scan
111Children of the heav'nly FatherTRYGGARE KAN INGEN VARAText
112Can't nobody do me like JesusHEALING
113My hope is built on nothing lessSOLID ROCKTextPage Scan
114Because of His love we are not consumed[Because of His love we are not consumed]Page Scan
115He's so freely passing out blessings each day[He's so freely passing out blessings each day]Page Scan
116There's the wonder of sunset at eveningWONDER OF IT ALL
117Nearer, my God, to TheeBETHANYTextPage Scan
118I am kept by the grace of God[I am kept by the grace of God]Page Scan
119Where shall I go but unto Thee, O Lord?[Where shall I go but unto Thee, O Lord]
120Marvelous grace of our loving LordMARVELOUS GRACETextPage Scan
121I will make the darkness light before thee[I will make the darkness light before thee]TextPage Scan
122Lord, have mercy, O Lord, have mercyMERCY ME
123In the morning when I riseGIVE ME JESUSText
124Break Thou the bread of lifeBREAD OF LIFETextPage Scan
125A year of God's favor Christ promised, and moreST. DENIOPage Scan
126Deeper, deeper in the love of JesusDEEPERTextPage Scan
127Is there a word from the Lord?[Is there a word from the Lord?]Page Scan
128Woe to you, the rich, who show no grace or pityWILMOTHPage Scan
129Christ's word to us is like a burning fireNATIONAL HYMNPage Scan
130O God, Your Word, a raging fireST. ANNEPage Scan
131From the dawning of creationLAUDA ANIMAPage Scan
132O Lord, to whom, to whom shall we go?[O Lord, to whom, to whom shall we go]TextPage Scan
133Father, I stretch my hands to TheeMARTYRDOMTextPage Scan
134While I'm working, Lord, in Your vineyard[While I'm working, Lord, in Your vineyard]
135Lord, keep me day by day[Lord, keep me day by day]Page Scan
136Breathe on me, Breath of GodTRENTHAMTextPage Scan
137Lead me, Lord, lead me in Thy righteousness[Lead me, Lord, lead me in Thy righteousness]TextPage Scan
138Anointing fall on me[Anointing fall on me]
139Spirit of the Living GodIVERSON
140Pass me not, O gentle SaviorPASS ME NOTTextPage Scan
141Lord, I want to live for TheeEVERY DAYTextPage Scan
142Remember me, remember me[Remember me, remember me]TextPage Scan
143Fix me for my long, white robeFIX METext
144Hear our prayer, O Lord[Hear our prayer, O Lord]Page Scan
145No harm have I done You on my kneesCOME HERE JESUS
146Love divine, all loves excellingHYFRYDOLTextPage Scan
147Not my brother, not my sister, but it's me, O LordSTANDIN' IN THE NEEDTextPage Scan
148Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayerSWEET HOURTextPage Scan
149Give us this day our daily bread[Give us this day our daily bread]TextPage Scan
150Thy way, O Lord, not mineTHY WAYTextPage Scan
151Like the woman at the well I was seekingFILL MY CUP
152O Lord, have mercyHAVE MERCY ON METextPage Scan
153Have Thine own way, Lord!ADELAIDETextPage Scan
154I need Thee ev'ry hour[I need Thee ev'ry hour]TextPage Scan
155I am weak but Thou art strongCLOSER WALKTextPage Scan
156Thou, O Christ, my Lord and KingIN METextPage Scan
157Lord, I prayed and I prayed[Lord, I prayed and I prayed]
158Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary[Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary]Page Scan
159My faith looks up to TheeOLIVETTextPage Scan
160Jesus, Savior, pilot mePILOTTextPage Scan
161Lord, give me a praying spirit[Lord, give me a praying spirit]Page Scan
162Give me a clean heart so I may serve Thee[Give me a clean heart so I may serve Thee]Page Scan
163Precious Lord, take my handPRECIOUS LORDPage Scan
164God be in my head, and in my thinking[God be in my head, and in my thinking]Text
165O Lord, hear my prayer[O Lord, hear my prayer]Page Scan
166As the waters rise around usBRYN CALFARIAPage Scan
167Lord, I hear of show'rs of blessingsEVEN METext
168Lord, my soul is thirsting for a blessing today[Lord, my soul is thirsting for a blessing today]
169Lord, help me to hold out[Lord, help me to hold out]
170Jesus, lover of my soulMARTYNTextPage Scan
171Prince of Peace, control my willTRYGGARE KAN INGEN VARAText
172O Lord, please hear my prayer[O Lord, please hear my prayer]Page Scan
173Now, dear Lord, as we pray[Now, dear Lord, as we pray]
174Draw near unto God[Draw near unto God]TextPage Scan
175O Lord, hear our prayer[O Lord, hear our prayer]TextPage Scan
176Lord Jesus, once You spoke to menBLUEBONNET
177Come by here, my Lord, come by here[Come by here, my Lord, come by here]TextPage Scan
178I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voiceI AM THINETextPage Scan
179A charge to keep I haveBOYLSTONTextPage Scan
180What shall I render[What shall I render]
181You have longed for sweet peaceYOUR ALLTextPage Scan
182God, whose giving knows no endingRUSTINGTONTextPage Scan
183All to Jesus I surrenderSURRENDERTextPage Scan
184Take me to the waterTO THE WATERTextPage Scan
185Wash, O God, our sons and daughters[Wash, Om God, our sons and daughters]Page Scan
186See that host all dressed in whiteWADE IN THE WATERTextPage Scan
187Come, Holy Spirit, Dove DivineO WALY WALYTextPage Scan
188Have you got good religionCERTAINLY LORDTextPage Scan
189Baptized in water[Baptized in wter]TextPage Scan
190I'm so glad I got good religion[I'm so glad I got good religion]
191Come to the fountain[Come to the fountain]Page Scan
192Take, O take me as I am[Take, O take me as I am]Page Scan
193As we drink this cup, we worship You[As we drink this cup, we worship You]
194Let us break bread together on our knees[Let us break bread together on ur knees]TextPage Scan
195Shepherd of souls, refresh and blessST. AGNESTextPage Scan
196Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!HYFRYDOLTextPage Scan
197Come to the table [Come to the table, O My children, partake of Me]
198All who hunger, gather gladlyHOLY MANNAPage Scan
199Christ is the bread of life[Christ is the bread of life]Page Scan
200As often as you do this[As often as you do this]

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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