Sunday School and Revival: with Y.M.C.A. supplement

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101As a pilgrim now I wander[As a pilgrim now I wander]TextPage ScanAudio
102Come, Thou Fount of ev'ry blessing[Come, Thou Fount of ev'ry blessing]Page Scan
103My faith looks up to Thee[My faith looks up to Thee]Page Scan
104When pangs of death seiz'd on my soul[When pangs of death seiz'd on my soul]Page Scan
105O I love to walk with Jesus[O I love to walk with Jesus]Page Scan
106Since Christ my soul from sin set free[Since Christ my soul from sin set free]Page Scan
107As the shadows of the night round are falling[As the shadows of the night round are falling]Page Scan
108If you'll listen unto me[If you'll listen unto me]Page Scan
109We will lift the banner high[We will lift the banner high]TextPage ScanAudio
110Still there are many who stumble in sin[Still there are many who stumble in sin]TextPage ScanAudio
111There's a joyful chorus sounding[There's a joyful chorus sounding]TextPage ScanAudio
112O mourner in Zion, how blessed art thou[O mourner in Zion, how blessed art thou]Page Scan
113O matchless love, how could it be[O matchless love, how could it be]Page Scan
114Come, humble sinner, in whose breastFAIRFIELDPage Scan
115Nearer, my God, to Thee[Nearer, my God, to Thee]Page Scan
116Down at the cross where my Savior died[Down at the cross where my Savior died]Page Scan
117There is a fountain fill'd with blood[There is a fountain fill'd with blood]Page Scan
118Did you ever stop to think how it will be[Did you ever stop to think how it will be]TextPage ScanAudio
119There is pow'r in the blood, now, to wash your soul[There is pow'r in the blood, now, to wash your soul]Page Scan
120Joy to the world, the Lord is comeANTIOCHPage Scan
121Work, for the night is comingWORK SONGPage Scan
122We praise Thee, O God[We praise Thee, O God]Page Scan
123You told me the story of Christ and His love[You told me the story of Christ and His love]TextPage ScanAudio
124Sweet hour of pray'r! sweet hour of pray'r[Sweet hour of pray'r! sweet hour of pray'r]Page Scan
125Life eternal's offered thee[Life eternal's offered thee]TextPage ScanAudio
126No other name but Jesus[No other name but Jesus]TextPage ScanAudio
127Since I started for the City over in the Promised Land[Since I started for the City over in the Promised Land]Page Scan
128You need the cross of Jesus[You need the cross of Jesus]TextPage ScanAudio
129There is soon to be a meeting[There is soon to be a meeting]Page Scan
130Some day, I know not when 'twill be[Some day, I know not when 'twill be]Page Scan
131Soon the night of gloom will vanish[Soon the night of gloom will vanish]TextPage ScanAudio
132My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine[My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine]Page Scan
133I've received an invitation from the glorious King of kings[I've received an invitation from the glorious King of kings]Page Scan
134My hope is built on nothing less[My hope is built on nothing less]Page Scan
135We are watching for the dawning[We are watching for the dawning]TextPage ScanAudio
136I'm a soldier bound for glory[I'm a soldier bound for glory]Page Scan
137My heart o'erflows with love[My heart o'erflows with love]TextPage ScanAudio
138Have thy affections been nailed to the cross[Have thy affections been nailed to the cross]Page Scan
139Starving and thirsting I came to the Savior[Starving and thirsting I came to the Savior]TextPage ScanAudio
140Since my soul is saved and sanctified[Since my soul is saved and sanctified]Page Scan
141I heard my loving Savior say[I heard my loving Savior say]Page Scan
142Of Him Who did salvation bring[Of Him Who did salvation bring]Page Scan
143Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost[Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost]Page Scan
144My soul is so happy in Jesus[My soul is so happy in Jesus]Page Scan
145Touch'd with a coal from God's holy altar[Touch'd with a coal from God's holy altar]TextPage ScanAudio
146There are shadows in the valley[There are shadows in the valley]Page Scan
147Shall we gather at the river[Shall we gather at the river]Page Scan
148I do not ask to see the way[I do not ask to see the way]Page Scan
149When the heart is filled with sighing[When the heart is filled with sighing]TextPage ScanAudio
150Jesus is the light that's shining on our way[Jesus is the light that's shining on our way]TextPage ScanAudio
151The sunny way that leads to glory[The sunny way that leads to glory]TextPage ScanAudio
152When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed[When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed]Page Scan
153There shall be showers of blessing[There shall be showers of blessing]Page Scan
154Some day we'll cease from labor here[Some day we'll cease from labor here]TextPage ScanAudio
155Changed to His likeness[Changed to His likeness]TextPage ScanAudio
156You can make the pathway bright[You can make the pathway bright]Page Scan
157Come, ye sinners, poor and needy[Come, ye sinners, poor and needy]Page Scan
158There is a land of corn and wine[There is a land of corn and wine]TextPage ScanAudio
159While we pray and while we plead[While we pray and while we plead]Page Scan
160Just a word with Jesus[Just a word with Jesus]Page Scan
161Now I feel the sacred fire[Now I feel the sacred fire]Page Scan
162I cannot tell thee whence it came[I cannot tell thee whence it came]Page Scan
163Would you be redeemed from every inbred sin[Would you be redeemed from every inbred sin]Page Scan
164God's abiding peace is in my soul today[God's abiding peace is in my soul today]Page Scan
165Loving Savior, hear my cry[Loving Savior, hear my cry]Page Scan
166O my brother, do you know the Savior[O my brother, do you know the Savior]Page Scan
167Christ our Redeemer died on the cross[Christ our Redeemer died on the cross]Page Scan
168There is a sunny side to every path below[There is a sunny side to every path below]TextPage ScanAudio
169Sing them over again to me[Sing them over again to me]Page Scan
170There is sunshine in my soul today[There is sunshine in my soul today]Page Scan
171Since I lost my sins and I found my Savior[Since I lost my sins and I found my Savior]Page Scan
172My heart was distress'd 'neath Jehovah's dread frown[My heart was distress'd 'neath Jehovah's dread frown]Page Scan
173If you are tired of the load of your sin[If you are tired of the load of your sin]Page Scan
174When the veil shall be uplifted[When the veil shall be uplifted]TextPage ScanAudio
175I am dwelling on the mountain[I am dwelling on the mountain]Page Scan
176I know not why God's wondrous grace[I know not why God's wondrous grace]Page Scan
177I stand all bewildered with wonder[I stand all bewildered with wonder]Page Scan
178My soul in sad exile was out on life's sea[My soul in sad exile was out on life's sea]Page Scan
179My Father is rich in houses and lands[My Father is rich in houses and lands]Page Scan
180I am thinking today of that beautiful land[I am thinking today of that beautiful land]Page Scan
181Am I a soldier of the cross[Am I a soldier of the cross]TextPage ScanAudio
182Some day I'll sing the new song[Some day I'll sing the new song]TextPage ScanAudio
183In a world where sorrow[In a world where sorrow]Page Scan
184I sit upon the mantel shelf[I sit upon the mantel shelf]TextPage ScanAudio
185When He cometh, when He cometh[When He cometh, when He cometh]Page Scan
186If I were a sunbeam, I know what I would do[If I were a sunbeam, I know what I would do]Page ScanAudio
187Two useful little friends have I[Two useful little friends have I]TextPage ScanAudio
188Loudly unto the world is a chorus resounding[Loudly unto the world is a chorus resounding]Page Scan
189The fight is on, the trumpet sound is ringing out[The fight is on, the trumpet sound is ringing out]Page Scan
190When I survey the wondrous cross[When I survey the wondrous cross]Page Scan
191On the cross of Calvary[On the cross of Calvary]TextPage ScanAudio
192Oh, the unsearchable riches of Christ[Oh, the unsearchable riches of Christ]Page Scan
193Over the waters gallantly sailing[Over the waters gallantly sailing]Page Scan
194Jesus, Savior, pilot me[Jesus, Savior, pilot me]Page Scan
195Standing in the market places all the season through[Standing in the market places all the season through]Page Scan
196Put on thine armor, the foe is near[Put on thine armor, the foe is near]Page Scan
197I can hear my Savior calling[I can hear my Savior calling]Page Scan
198Tell the glad story how Jesus can save[Tell the glad story how Jesus can save]TextPage ScanAudio
199Rescue the perishing[Rescue the perishing]Page Scan
200In sin I once had wandered[In sin I once had wandered]Page Scan

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