Gerard Moultrie

Short Name: Gerard Moultrie
Full Name: Moultrie, Gerard, 1829-1885
Birth Year: 1829
Death Year: 1885

Moultrie, Gerard, M.A., son of the Rev. John Moultrie, was born at Rugby Rectory, Sept. 16, 1829, and educated at Rugby and Exeter College, Oxford (B.A. 1851, M.A. 1856). Taking Holy Orders, he became Third Master and Chaplain in Shrewsbury School; Chaplain to the Dowager Marchioness of Londonderry, 1855-59; curate of Brightwaltham, 1859; and of Brinfield, Berks, 1860; Chaplain of the Donative of Barrow Gurney, Bristol, 1864: Vicar of Southleigh, 1869, and Warden of St. James's College, Southleigh,1873. He died April 25, 1885. His publications include:

1) The Primer set forth at large for the use of the Faithful. In Family and Private Prayer. Edited from the Post Reformation editions, 1864. (2) Hymns and Lyrics for the Seasons and Saints' Days of the Church, 1867. The hymns of his sister, Mary Dunlop Moultrie (q.v.), were included in this volume. (3) The Espousals of S. Dorothea and Other Verses, 1870. (5) The Devout Communicant, 1867. (6) Six Years' work in Southleigh, 1875. (7) Cantica Sanctorum, or Hymns for the Black Letter Saints Days in the English and Scottish Calendars, to which are added a few Hymns for Special Occasions, 1880.

Mr. Moultrie's hymns include translations from the Greek, Latin, and German, in addition to original compositions. A large number appeared in the Church Times, and other papers; and many were written for special Saints' Days, and Other Festivals, for the People's Hymnal, 1867, in which some were signed "D. P." (i.e. Desiderius Pastor). The following are in common use:—

i. In The Primer, 1864.
1. Father of all, to Thee we pray. Lord's Prayer.
2. In the Name of God the Father. Laying Foundation Stone. (2nd stanza: "And as on the morning stillness.") First appeared in the Church Times, Oct. 1, 1864, and again (as rewritten for the laying of the foundation stone of St. Margaret's, East Grinstead), July 29, 1865.

ii. In Hymns and Lyrics, 1867.
3. Bishop of the souls of men. St. Matthias.
4. Come, faithful people, come away. Palm Sunday.
5. Easter-day is here, and we. Easter.
6. Heavenly Father, God alone. Harvest.
7. Mother, from whose bosom's veil. St. Anne. July 26.
8. 0 Jesu, 0 Redeemer. St. Luke.
9. Mary, maiden undefiled. Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
10. Silence reigns at eventide. Whitsuntide. In the Altar Hymnal, 1884, it begins with st. iii., "Hark, a rushing mighty sound."
11. The Marriage feast is ready. All Saints. Usually given in an abbreviated form.
12. Virgin-born the King of heaven. Christmas Midnight Hymn. ("To be sung at the Midnight Cele¬bration.") In the Church Times, Nov. 26, 1864, and revised for Hymns & Lyrics.
13. We march, we march to victory. Processional. In the Church Times, Aug, 19, 1865, and headed "Processional hymn before service (written expressly for use during present troubles)."
14. Who is this that shines so bright! St. Laurence. In the People's Hymnal, 1867.
15. Who keeps his birthday feast tonight? Beheading of St. John Baptist. In the People's Hymnal, 1867.

iii. In The People's Hymnal, 1867.
16. Heart to heart, and side by side. Holy Matrimony.
17. I know that my Redeemer liveth. Burial. A paraphrase of the Responsory in the Roman Office for the Dead.
18. Jesus Christ, we humbly pray. Opening of a School House.
19. Lord of heaven, Whose faithful love. Ember Days.
20. Lord, today we bring to Thee. Reception of a Privately Baptized Child.
21. Lord, we come today to Thee. Choir Festival.
22. 0 God, Who bad'st Thine angel sheathe. National Thanksgiving for restored Public Health. This is given in the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Church Hymns, 1871, as "0 God, Whose angel stayed his hand," and in the Hymnary, 1872, as "Lord, Who didst bid Thine angel sheathe."
23. 0 Lord of Hosts, Thou God of might. National Thanksgiving for Peace. In several collections.
24. Sevenfold Spirit, Lord of life. Consecration of a Bishop. First sung at the consecration of an American bishop at New York, in 1867. Included in the author's Espousals of St. Dorothea, 1870.
25. Sounds the bell in solemn cadence. Burial. In The Espousals of S. Dorothea, 1870, p. 82, the note is added, "This hymn was first sung at the funeral of the Rev. Warwick Wroth of Clerkenwell." It is headed "Funeral Hymn for a Priest."

iv. In Cantica Sanctorum, 1880.
26. In the midst of gladness, sorrow. Annunciation in Holy Week.
27. Jesus, tender Shepherd. Holy Communion.
28. Swing the censer, wave the banner. Processional.

v. In The Altar Hymnal, 1884.
29. Our great High Priest is standing. Holy Communion.
30. Lo, the Sacrifice atoning. Holy Communion.

vi. Various.
31. Forward, Christians, forward. Processional. Written for the Church of England Working Men's Society in 1879, and issued as a leaflet, of which 40,000 copies were sold during the first year.
32. Laid in this garden full of bloom. Easter Eve. In the Churchman's Companion, April, 1879.
33. On the wings of the wind fell a hymn from the sky. Christmas. In Husband's Supplemental Hymns, N.D. [1873].
34. Shades of night are falling round us. Evening. Novello & Co., with Music by Shad Frost.
35. There is a sound of rejoicing around the great throne. Processional. Written for St. Michael's Church, Folkestone, and published in E. Husband's Appendix to Hymns Ancient & Modern, N.D. [1873]. It was set to music by Mr. Husband, and is commonly known as "The Folkestone Processional."
36. This is the festal day of jubilation. Sunday School Anniversary. A hymn to be sung alternately by men and boys during the collection, written in 1877 for St. Agnes's, Kennington, London.
37. This is the hour of peace and blest communion. Holy Communion. Written for the English Church Union Commemoration held at St. Agnes's, Kennington Park, London, June 9, 1880.

From the subjects of the hymns noted above it will be seen that Mr. Moultrie wrote principally on matters not usually dealt with by hymnwriters. This is specially the case with his Cantica Sanctorum, in which most of the 103 hymns are for "Black Letter Saints' Days."

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


Moultrie, G., p. 771, ii. We find that Mr. Moultrie wrote the preface to the Cantica Sanctorum, 1880, but did not edit the book. He and others contributed some thirteen hymns thereto. It was edited by Miss Isabella Leefe, p. 1663, i., who wrote 90 of the hymns.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

See also in:

Wikipedia Biography

Gerald Moultrie was a Victorian public schoolmaster and Anglican hymnographer born on 16 September 1829 in Rugby Rectory, Warwickshire, England. He died on 25 April 1885 in Southleigh, England, aged 55.

Texts by Gerard Moultrie (37)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Advance, advance, the day is comeGerard Moultrie (Author)English1
All is over, the pain, the sorrowGerard Moultrie, 1829-85 (Author)English1
Alleluia, alleluia, floating o'er the crystal seaGerard Moultrie (Author)5
At the tomb where Christ hath beenGerard Moultrie (Author)English2
Behold, the Bridegroom cometh In the middle of the nightGerard Moultrie (Author)English51
Bishop of the souls of menGerard Moultrie, 1829-1885 (Author)English5
Brother, now thy toils are overGerard Moultrie (Author)English5
Calle todo ser humanoGerard Moultrie (Translator (English))Spanish3
Ĉio karna nun eksilentuGerard Moultrie (Translator (English))Esperanto3
Come, faithful people, come awayG. Moultrie, 1829-85 (Author)English7
Come forth, come forth, brave reapersGerald Moultrie (Author)English1
Come Thou, O come; Sweetest and kindliestGerard Moultrie (Author)English13
Easter day is here, and weGerard Moultrie (Author)English1
He comes, he comes, the tombGerard Moultrie (Author)2
Heavenly Father, God aloneRev. G. Moultrie (Author)English5
I'll tell you a tale of the olden timeGerard Moultrie, 1829-1885 (Author)English3
Im Namen des Herrn so ziehen wir einherGerard Moultrie (Author)German1
Im Namen des Herrn wir ziehen einherGerard Moultrie (Author)German2
In der Kraft des Höchsten, voran, voranGerard Moultrie (Author)German2
Let all mortal flesh keep silence, And with fear and trembling standGerard Moultrie (Author)English159
Lo mortal esté en silencioGerard Moultrie (Paraphraser)Spanish3
മർത്യ ദേഹം പൂണ്ടവരെല്ലാം (Martya dēhaṁ pūṇṭavarellāṁ)Gerard Moultrie (Translator (English))Malayalam2
Near the tomb where Christ hath beenGerard Moultrie (Author)English2
O God, whose angel stayed his handGerard Moultrie (Author)English1
O Lamb of God that takest away the sin of the worldG. Moultrie (Translator)English2
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the worldGerard Moultrie (Author)English2
O Savior, our Redeemer, Physician of the soulGerard Moultrie (Author)English1
Que el mortal silencio guardeGerard Moultrie (Tr. al inglés por)Spanish2
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle, Sing the last the dread affray (Neale)Gerard Moultrie (Translator (B))English1
The marriage feast is readyGerard Moultrie (Author)English17
There came three kings, ere break of dayGerard Moultrie (Author)English13
There is a sound of rejoicing around the great throneGerard Moultrie (Author)English3
Though the strife be long, and the foe be strongGerard Moultrie (Author)English3
Virgin born, the King of heavenGerard Moultrie (Author)2
We come in the might of the Lord of lightGerard Moultrie (Author)English193
We march to fight with the powers of nightGerald Moultrie (Author)1
We march, we march to victory! With the cross of the Lord before usG. Moultrie (Author)English9

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